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Scrub Club

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the single most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others is to wash our hands!

The Scrub Club? program is the first of its kind ? a fun, interactive and educational program that teaches children the proper way to wash their hands.  Panhandle Public Health District would love to come introduce the Scrub Club? program to kids in your area.  By presenting the importance of handwashing, reinforcing handwashing techniques, and distributing educational materials, kids will learn how to effectively combat everyday germs!  

The Scrub Club? program introduces the six steps of proper handwashing:Scrub Club Guy
STEP 1. Wet hands with warm, running water.
STEP 2. Apply soap. (Either bar of soap or pump soap will do.)
STEP 3. Rub your hands vigorously, between fingers too, for 20 seconds.
STEP 4. Don?t forget your fingernails. If you don?t have a nail brush, be sure to pay extra close attention to your fingernails.  
STEP 5. Rinse away all the soap.
STEP 6. Dry hands with paper towel or warm air dryer.
The program also teaches how germs can be spread with demonstrations.

When should you wash your hands?
You should wash your hands often.

It is especially important to wash your hands:

  • Before, during, and after you prepare food
  • Before you eat, and after you use the bathroom
  • After handling animals or animal waste
  • When your hands are dirty, and
  • More frequently when someone in your home is sick.


Cast of Characters
The Scrub Club? is a group of seven kids and Ship-Shape ? the mysterious but lovable leader who watches over the hands of the world?s children from his Bubble telescope ? that join forces to fight off harmful germs and bacteria, teaching children the proper handwashing process along the way.

Each of the Scrub Club? kids represents one of the six steps of the proper handwashing process along the way.

Scrub Club? WebsiteStatistic
The Scrub Club? Web site, www.scrubclub.org is an entertaining multimedia educational experience which includes:
- Webisodes featuring our  ?soaperheroes? fighting BAC (the villian)
- Games that educate kids about proper handwashing
- Downloadable music, poster, screensaver and activities
- Educational curriculum for teachers 



For more information or to set up an opportunity to introduce children to Scrub Club?.
Janelle Visser
(308) 487-3600 Ext 105

Scrub Club Logo





Reviewed: April 16, 2018