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CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), First Aid, and STOP the Bleed Trainings

Be prepared to respond in emergencies!

CPR is an emergency lifesaving procedure to perform when the heart stops beating. This training provides hands-on education to learn resuscitation and AED use. CPR Training includes American Heart Association (AHA) workbook with hands-on demonstration on manikins. These are watch-and-learn, interactive modules with digital and in-person instruction. There are two different curriculums available. HeartSavers is a community based curriculum that is designed for anyone with little or no medical training while BLS is a curriculum created for healthcare professionals.

First Aid training provides education basics on how to respond to various injuries, illnesses, and emergencies.

Stop the Bleed provides training on improving survival due to injury that has caused severe bleeding.

You could save a life!


                                             We can travel to you! 

CPR Options Available:

  1. Adult CPR/AED (70 minutes)
  2. Adult & Child CPR/AED (100 minutes)
  3. Adult, Child, & Infant CPR/AED (2 hours and 15 minutes)
  4. First Aid (2 hours and 15 minutes
  5. Stop the Bleed (60 minutes)


$70 per person for CPR this includes any combination + Instructor(s) mileage

$100 per person for CPR/First Aid + Insructor(s) mileage.