Reopening plans are developed by the Individual school boards. Unified Command has provided these documents for guidance and reference during their planning and decision making process. These will be continually updated based on current recommendations and the latest scientific evidence.
Panhandle Unified Command Guidance to Local Schools to Keep Kids in School
This guidance developed by Unified Command pulls all the latest scientific evidence together in one document to assist Panhandle schools in developing plans to keep kids in school.
Public Health Recommendations for the Screening, Exclusion, and Re-Admittance of Ill Students and Staff for COVID-19 in Schools
The symptom screening criteria for ill students and sta? are based on the most current research. Because people with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms ? ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness ? the following criteria has been developed to assist schools in identifying possible COVID-19 cases.
Parent Communication for Ill Students During COVID-19
NALHD Core Principals and Approach to COVID-19 in Schools
Shared core principles that local health departments (LHDs) in Nebraska consider when making recommendations and advising our local schools about how to reopen and stay open during the COVID-19 pandemic safely.
COVID-19 School Quarantine Infographic
The COVID-19 school investigation provides guidance for isolation, quarantine, and self-monitoring after an exposure in a classroom setting. The case investigators will take the specifics of every situation into account during the investigation to make a determination.
Extra Curricular Event Guidance
Panhandle Unified Command Guidance to Local Schools to Reduce Spread when the Decision is made to Pursue Activities.
Launch Nebraska
Tolls, actions, opperunities, and recources to support he complex palnning and prepeartion needed by Nebraska school systems as they work to restart schools and support students as they transition back to school building.
CDC Guidance
UNMC Global Center for Health Security
The Global Center for Health Security, with several contributions from UNMC's College of Public Health, has developed training and resource materials for the COVID-19 global pandemic.
International Coalition Performing Arts Aerosol Study
An aerosol group from Colorado has produced the most comprehensive assessment and recommendation for wind instruments
Updated October 27, 2020
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