Youth lead tobacco efforts happen locally and state wide.
Get involved in the movement today. Learn about big tobacco and their motives through No Limits. Promote tobacco free policies in your community. Go to city council meetings - ask for tobacco free parks. Go to your fair board and talk to them about the benefits of a tobacco free fair.
Join No Limits, Nebraska's first youth-led and youth-driven tobacco prevention movement. It's all about youth empowerment and social change. By using activism, Nebraska teens are coming together to minimize the tobacco industry's influence in Nebraska.
Getting involved is easy! You could start small by printing out some materials from No Limits Nebraska or using some activism ideas to get the word out at your school, church, or local clubs. If you're looking for something a bit bigger, get some friends together and start a group that focuses on fighting Big Tobacco. Don't forget, we're here to help and answer any questions!
Looking for a topic for your STARS presentation? 4-H Speech? Consider one of the many issues around tobacco.