Comprehensive Tobacco Free School policies reduce youth initiation and exposure to secondhand smoke exposure.
Panhandle Schools take the risk of tobacco use very seriously.
68% of Panhandle Schools have an all inclusive tobacco free policy and have signs posted.
To learn more about adopting a comprehensive tobacco free policy in your school visit the Tobacco Free School Kit on line or email to request a hard copy.
It is easier to enforce a policy if there is a sign posted.
Tobacco Free Nebraska will provide:
- 11" x 18" heavy gauge aluminum signs
- "Welcome To Our Tobacco Free School"
- 13.5" x 5" Adhesive Decals
- "Welcome To Our Tobacco Free School"
- 7" x 8.5" Adhesive Decals
- "Welcome To Our Tobacco Free School"
Panhandle school tobacco-free campus policies
- 93 percent have an all-inclusive tobacco free policy. Everywhere. By Everyone. At All Times
- increase from 48% in June 2017