3/24/2025 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
3/19/2025 Keep our roads safe by removing distractions
3/3/2025 Protect Your Indoor Air Quality: Radon Kits Available to Panhandle Residents
2/28/25 Driven to Inspire
2/26/25 Early Detection Saves Lives: Two Stories, One Powerful Message
2/24/25 Measles Outbreak Highlights Need for Immunization and Awareness in Nebraska Panhandle
2/21/2025 Healthy sleep habits for a good night's sleep
2/13/2025 Influenza A cases are on the rise in the Panhandle
1/21/2025 Nebraska Panhandle needs increased access to driver's ed
01/17/2025 Cold Weather Safety: Prepare Now for the Coming Chill
01/16/2025 Saving Lives One Check at a Time: Melissa's Story Spurs Blood Pressure Awareness for Moms-to-Be
12/12/2024 Keep your family, friends, and home safe from radon
11/22/2024 Staying financially well this holiday season
10/31/2024 Free Car Seats for Qualifying Families: Let’s ensure every Panhandle child rides safe
10/28/2024 Pertussis cases are on the rise in Nebraska and the Panhandle
10/10/2024 The Great American Smokeout
10/02/2024 Bright Futures Begin Lead-Free, October 20-26 is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
9/20/2024 Join the Conversation: Panhandle Unites for Suicide Prevention and Support This September
09/10/2024 Practice mosquito bite prevention this fall
9/09/2024 Nebraska Panhandle person’s death is being investigated due to possible rabies infection
9/03/2024 PPHD highlights area athletes who steer clear of tobacco and vaping
8/26/2024 Driven to Inspire
8/20/2024 Garden County Unites for Hope Walks Here
8/21/2024 Suicide Prevention Walk Flyer
8/15/2024 Join the Conversation: Panhandle Unites for Suicide Prevention and Support This September
8/13/2024 Mosquito Surveillance Helps to Combat West Nile Virus
8/02/2024 Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference slated for September 19, 2024, at the Gering Civic Center
7/03/2024 Panhandle mosquitoes test positive for West Nile virus
7/02/2024 The start of school is just around the corner! Be ready with these important tips
6/25/2024 Tick Bites and Alpha-gal Syndrome
6/20/2024 Critical Information for Panhandle Residents
6/19/2024 Panhandle Public Health District encourages firework safety this 4 th of July
6/05/2024 Stay Safe This Summer: Prevent Mosquito and Tick Bites
6/04/2024 HPV vaccine shows 65% reduction in cervical cancer
5/23/2024 June is Alzheimer's and Brain Health Awareness Month, Learn More Today
5/19/2024 Nebraska Tobacco Quitline Offering Additional Free Quit Medication
4/30/2024 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
4/26/2024 The Nebraska Panhandle needs increased access to Driver’s Ed
4/17/2024 PPHD receives funding from Housing and Urban Development for increasing lead hazard control
4/15/2024 COVID booster recommendation update for people aged 65 and older
4/05/2024 May is Stroke Prevention Month, Learn the Signs Today
4/04/2024 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
4/01/2024 PPHD encourages everyone to be aware of their MMR vaccine status especially if traveling
3/20/2024 Walk at Lunch Day – Wednesday, April 24 th
3/18/2024 PPHD Healthy Families home visitation program receives reaccreditation
3/13/2024 Free dental care May 31 and June 1 in Gordon and Sidney for children ages 3-21
3/08/2024 March Is Colorectal Cancer Awareness & Prevention Month
2/21/2024 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
2/16/2024 March is National Nutrition Month, Start Healthy Habits With Nutritious Choices
2/15/2024 February is National Children’s Dental Health Month
2/09/2024 Panhandle Public Health District awarded grant to address brain health in the Panhandle
1/29/2024 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
1/19/2024 February is Heart Month, Wear Red on February 2, 2024
1/12/2024 City of Oshkosh Promotes Radon Awareness during January Radon Action Month
1/08/2024 Alliance community invited to share ideas for active living on January 23 @ BBGH
1/04/2024 Pediatric Influenza Death Reported to Panhandle Public Health District by DHHS
1/02/2024 Join Healthy for Life in 2024 & Get the Tools and Support You Need to Get and Stay Healthy
1/02/2024 Keep your family, friends, and home safe from radon in 2024
5/23/2022 La vigilancia de aguas residuales muestra un aumento del? virus COVID en el Panhandle, los ni?os de 5 a 1 a?os ahora pueden recibir un refuerzo COVID
3/31/2022 Second booster dose recommended
3/31/2022 Ahora se recomienda la segunda dosis de refuerzo de COVID
3/22/2022 Panhandle Public Health District’s 2021 annual report now available online at pphd.org
3/9/2022 El 100% de los establecimientos no vendi? Tabaco a Menores
3/7/2022 In recent alcohol compliance checks, 100% of establishments did not sell alcohol to minors
3/7/2022 100% of Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
3/2/2022 Free COVID tests widely available around the area
3/2/2022 Pruebas gratuitas de COVID ampliamente disponibles en el area
2/14/2022 A free viewing of SILO, a feature film about grain entrapment
2/9/22 Panhandle COVID cases continue to decline
2/9/22 Los casos de COVID en el Panhandle contin?an disminuyendo
2/2/22 Watch the Panhandle COVID Dashboard at www.pphd.org for current COVID trends in the area
2/2/22 Mire el Panel COVID de Panhandle en www.pphd.org para conocer las tendencias actuales de COVID en el ?rea
1/26/22 Free At-Home COVID testing will soon be widely available in the area
1/26/22 Las pruebas gratuitas de COVID en el hogar pronto estar?n ampliamente disponibles en el ?rea
1/19/22 Panhandle COVID cases rapidly rising
1/19/22 Los casos de COVID en el Panhandle aumentan r?pidamente
1/12/22 Panhandle COVID cases have increased 93% in the past week
1/12/22 Los casos de COVID en el Panhandle han aumentado un 93% en la ?ltima semana
1/10/22 February is heart month, so let’s show our heart some love
1/5/22 Panhandle COVID cases increasing
1/5/22 Aumento de casos de COVID en el Panhandle
12/22/21 9 of 10 Nebraskans hospitalized with COVID since the end of October have been unvaccinated
12/20/21 Lead poisoning is 100% preventable. Protect your family from lead poisoning today.
12/16/21 Smoke-free housing is key to protect renters from second-hand smoke exposures and fire hazards
12/10/21 A healthier you in 2022
12/6/2021 Bright green bikes will soon be around Alliance and available for use at no charge
12/1/2021 Omicron variant emphasizes the importance of vaccination and boosters
12/1/2021 La variante Omicron enfatiza la importancia de la vacunaci?n y las inyecciones de refuerzo
11/10/2021 COVID testing and vaccine keys to safer holiday celebrations
11/2/2021 Keep active this fall and winter to help ward off the blues
10/26/2021 Gering woman receives Leading Light Award at recent Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference
10/18/2021 Booster update, additional COVID testing access
10/18/2021 Actualizaci?n de la inyecci?n de refuerzo, acceso adicional a las pruebas de COVID
10/18/2021 Join us for the Great American Smokeout, November 18, 2021.
10/11/2021 COVID cases and hospitalizations continue to increase in the Panhandle
10/11/2021 Los casos de COVID y las hospitalizaciones contin?an aumentando en el Panhandle
10/4/2021 "Let's fight together, moving forward together, and not lose one more death to COVID. You are worth it," Mitchell resident Sylvia Flores Magdaleno.
9/20/2021 Panhandle COVID dashboard continues to be updated, state dashboard will be reinstated starting today
9/15/21 As we near flu season, businesses and employers are encouraged to be ready
9/13/21 Scotts Bluff County reaches 40% of the population COVID vaccinated!
9/13/21 ?El condado de Scotts Bluff llega al 40% de la poblaci?n vacunada contra COVID!
9/8/21 Dr. Lawler provides COVID update, dispels several perpetuating myths on COVID & kids
9/7/21 Listen to Dr. James Lawler’s presentation at https://tinyurl.com/fbxedj9w.
9/7/21 Escuche la presentaci?n del Dr. James Lawler en https://tinyurl.com/fbxedj9w.
8/31/21 Practice mosquito bite prevention this fall
8/26/21 The 12th Annual Alliance Suicide Prevention Community Walk will be held on Saturday, September 11
8/23/21 Talking openly about suicide can save a life
8/20/21 Panhandle Horse Tests Positive for West Nile Virus
8/18/21 Human West Nile Virus Case Reported
7/26/21 Gordon Memorial Health Services’ providers offer tips to making second COVID shot more tolerable
7/8/21 100% of Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
6/28/21 Celebrate summer events safely, get COVID vaccinated to be ready for the start of school in August
6/28/21 In recent alcohol compliance checks 100% of establishments did not sell alcohol to minors.
6/21/21 Fight the Bite This Summer
6/11/21 In recent alcohol compliance checks 100% of establishments did not sell alcohol to minors.
6/11/21 95% of Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
5/24/21 Nebraska infection control expert equates a COVID vaccinated person to wearing a fireproof suit
5/10/21 Area physician and business leader affirm their strong stance on getting the COVID vaccine
5/10/21 El m?dico del ?rea y el l?der empresarial afirman su firme postura sobre recibir la vacuna COVID
4/26/21 Panhandle COVID risk dial updated based on the latest science and vaccination rates
4/22/21 Seventeen Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
4/21/21 Walk @ Lunch Day ? Wednesday, April 28th
4/19/21 Make a plan, get your shot
4/19/21 Haga un plan, obtenga su oportunidad
4/14/21 Twenty-Four Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
4/14/21 In recent alcohol compliance checks 95% of establishments did not sell alcohol to minors.
4/13/21 Nebraska to Pause Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
4/13/21 Nebraska suspender? la vacuna COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson
4/5/21 Be ready for spring and summer activities by getting your COVID shot, self-scheduling is available
4/2/21 B117 COVID variant, a more contagious and severe COVID strain, has been found in the Panhandle
4/2/21 Se ha encontrado en el Panhandle la variante B117 COVID, una cepa de COVID m?s contagiosa y severa.
3/29/21 Anyone 18 and older can now get a COVID vaccine
3/29/21 Cualquier persona de 18 a?os o m?s ahora puede recibir una vacuna COVID
3/23/21 Radon Tests Still Available for Panhandle Residents
3/22/21 Get your COVID vaccine in preparation for spring and summer activities
3/22/21 Obtenga su vacuna COVID en preparaci?n para las actividades de primavera y verano
3/15/21 Oshkosh art educator and community catalyst cares for her community by getting COVID vaccinated
3/15/21 Oshkosh arte educador y catalizador comunidad cuida de su comunidad por conseguir COVID vacunado
3/9/21 Lead Renovator Certification Courses Being Offered in Panhandle
3/8/21 CDC issues interim public health recommendations for fully vaccinated people
3/5/21Scottsbluff retiree sees benefit of COVID vaccine
3/5/21 Jubilada de Scottsbluff ve los beneficios de la vacuna COVID
3/1/21 Longtime Chadron resident and sports reporter Con Marshall happy to receive his COVID shot
2/22/21 Panhandle continues to align with state vaccine phasing and calendar estimations
2/15/21 Monoclonal Antibody Treatment may help COVID symptoms improve sooner and reduce hospitalizations
2/15/21 El tratamiento con anticuerpos monoclonales puede ayudar a que los s?ntomas de COVID mejoren antes y reduzcan las hospitalizaciones
2/10/21 Tres ubicaciones adicionales para recibir la vacuna COVID anunciadas hoy, los residentes del Panhandle a?n se les anima a registrarse a trav?s del sistema estatal en vaccinate.ne.gov ?
2/8/21 Effective immediately: Panhandle vaccine registration system transitioning to state system
2/8/21 Con efecto inmediato: transici?n del sistema de registro de vacunas del Panhandle al sistema estatal
1/21/21 COVID vaccines administered has been added to the Panhandle COVID dashboard
1/21/21 Las vacunas COVID administradas se han a?adido al tablero de mandos Panhandle COVID
1/18/21 COVID vaccine allocation to increase for the Panhandle beginning next week
1/18/21 La asignaci?n de vacunas COVID aumentar? para el Panhandle a partir de la pr?xima semana
1/14/21 Anyone 65+ or persons with medical conditions can now register for the COVID vaccine wait list
1/11/21 Former Hemingford educator feels blessed to receive COVID vaccine locally
1/11/21 La ex educadora de Hemingford se siente bendecida de recibir la vacuna COVID localmente
1/7/21 Ask a question. Save a life. Inspire hope. Register for an upcoming QPR training today
1/6/21 City of Gering Proclaim January as Radon Action Month
1/4/21 Panhandle vaccine reminder: Anyone 75 and older and interested, encouraged to call or register online;
Ivermectin not recommended for use to prevent or treat COVID
1/4/21 January is National Radon Action Month
12/31/20 La vacuna COVID estar? disponible para los residentes de Panhandle mayores de 75 a?os; reg?strese hoy para recibir una notificaci?n cuando est? disponible
12/28/20 COVID Vaccine Science & Facts
12/28/20 Datos y ciencia de la vacuna COVID
12/21/20 Mental Health, COVID, & the Holidays ?
12/21/20 Salud mental, COVID y d?as festivos
12/17/20 Stay informed on important vaccine updates, regularly updated Panhandle COVID vaccine FAQ can be found at www.pphd.org
12/14/20 Two COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 97;
Panhandle Vaccine Timeline
12/14/20 Se informaron dos muertes relacionadas con COVID en el Panhandle, Total de muertes en el Panhandle 97 Cronolog?a de la vacuna en el Panhandle
12/10/20 Thirteen COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 95
12/10/20 Se informaron trece muertes relacionadas con COVID en Panhandle, total de muertes en el Panhandle 95
12/10/20 When life throws a pandemic, learn to play the ukulele and ice skate
12/1/20 Seventeen COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 67
12/1/20 Se informaron diecisiete muertes relacionadas con COVID en el Panhandle, total de muertes en Panhandle 67
11/30/20 Safety precautions for winter sports and activities
11/30/20 Precauciones de seguridad para deportes y actividades de invierno
11/27/20 No single intervention is perfect at preventing disease spread
11/27/20 Ninguna intervenci?n por s? sola es perfecta para prevenir la propagaci?n de enfermedades
11/23/20 Safe opportunities to connect during the Thanksgiving holiday
11/23/20 Oportunidades seguras para conectarse durante las vacaciones de Acci?n de Gracias
11/20/20 Five COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 47
11/20/20 Cinco muertes relacionadas con COVID en el Panhandle reportadas, Total de muertes en el Panhandle 47
11/17/20 Seven COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 31
11/17/20 Siete muertes relacionadas con COVID en el Panhandle reportadas, Total de muertes en el Panhandle 31
11/10/20 Four Scotts Bluff County COVID-related deaths announced, Panhandle total deaths 21
11/5/20 Panhandle total: 3,114; Active: 1,326; Recovered: 1,772; Deaths: 16
11/5/20 ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 3,114; Activos: 1,326; Recuperados: 1,772; Muertes: 16
11/2/20 Stay safe at the voting polls on Election Day;
Panhandle total: 2,780; Active: 1,241; Recovered: 1,586; Deaths: 16
10/27/20 Two additional COVID-related death in Dawes County brings Panhandle total to 14
10/26/20 El total de casos se duplic? en los ?ltimos 22 d?as, la primera muerte en el condado de Dawes eleva el total del Panhandle a 12;
?ndice Total del Panhandle: 1,957; Activos: 709; Recuperados: 1,236; Muertes: 12
10/22/20 Scotts Bluff County Detention Center provides a COVID status update
10/22/20 El centro de detenci?n del condado de Scotts Bluff proporciona una actualizaci?n del estado de COVID
10/20/20 The Heirloom Market, held in Bayard on Saturday, October 10, listed as community exposure site
10/15/20 Panhandle total: 1236, Active: 274, Recovered: 951, Deaths: 11
10/15/20 ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 1236, Activos: 274, Recuperados: 951, Muertes: 11
9/28/20 Keeping kids in school is the goal;
Panhandle total: 869, Active: 80, Recovered: 779, Deaths: 9
9/16/20 Eighth COVID-related death reported in the Panhandle, first confirmed COVID case in Grant County
9/8/20 Panhandle Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus
9/3/20 2020 Out of the Darkness Community Walk for Suicide Awareness
8/28/20 Reminder: Panhandle Unified Command will be updating their communications;
Panhandle total: 623, Active: 95, Recovered: 522, Deaths: 6
8/28/20 Chadron Verizon News Release
8/27/20 Panhandle total: 614, Active: 100, Recovered: 508, Deaths: 6
8/27/20 ?ndice total del Panhandle: 614, Activos: 100, Recuperados: 508, Fallecidos: 6
8/20/20 Panhandle total: 533, Active: 76, Recovered: 451, Deaths: 6
8/13/20 Updated quarantine guidance;
Panhandle total: 481, Active: 56, Recovered: 419, Deaths: 6
8/12/20 Masks do not cause self-contamination;
Panhandle total: 479, Active: 56, Recovered: 417, Deaths: 6
8/11/20 Supporting your child during COVID-19;
Panhandle total: 469, Active: 50, Recovered: 413, Deaths: 6
8/6/20 Sheridan County Jail responds to presumed COVID-19 positive case
8/3/20 Be sure kindness is included on your back-to-school checklist! Panhandle total: 439, Active: 55, Recovered: 378, Deaths: 6
7/29/20 You can catch COVID-19 no matter how sunny or hot the weather is Panhandle total: 419, Active: 63, Recovered: 350, Deaths: 6
7/24/20 Panhandle total: 411, Active: 79, Recovered: 326, Deaths: 6
7/24/20 ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 411, Activos: 79, Recuperados: 326, Muertes: 6
7/22/20 Be sure to submit event safety plans! Panhandle total: 397, Active: 72, Recovered: 318, Deaths: 5
7/20/20 Sea un sabio buscador de informaci?n durante la pandemia COVID-19; ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 387, Activos: 74, Recuperados: 308, Muertes: 5
?ndice total del Panhandle: 369, Activos: 69, Recuperados: 295, Muertes: 5
7/15/20 Panhandle total: 365, Active: 66, Recovered: 294, Deaths: 5
7/15/20 ?ndice total del Panhandle: 365, Activos: 66, Recuperados: 294, Muertes: 5
7/14/20 Panhandle total: 363, Active: 66, Recovered: 292, Deaths: 5
7/14/20 ?ndice total del Panhandle: 363, Activos: 66, Recuperados: 292, Muertes: 5
7/8/20 Six more cases announced; Panhandle total: 344, Active: 99, Recovered: 241, Deaths: 4
6/30/20 Gordon-Rushville Public Schools
6/30/20 Se le notific? a las Escuelas P?blicas de Gordon-Rushville
6/26/20 Twelve more cases announced; Panhandle total: 279, Active: 106, Recovered: 170, Deaths: 3
6/23/20 Nine more cases announced; Panhandle total: 252, Active: 94, Recovered: 155, Deaths: 3
6/11/20 Scotts Bluff County reports second COVID-19 related death in the Panhandle
6/11/20 Seven more cases announced; Panhandle total: 200, Active: 95, Recovered: 104, Deaths: 1
6/11/20 Se anuncian siete casos mas:Panhandle total: 200, Activos: 95, Recuperados: 104, Fallecidos: 1
6/10/20 Four more cases announced; Panhandle total: 193, Active: 94, Recovered: 98, Deaths: 1
6/10/20 Se anuncian cuatro casos mas; Panhandle total: 193, Activos: 94, Recuperados: 98, Fallecidos: 1
6/10/20 Scotts Bluff County reports the first COVID-19 related death in the Panhandle
6/10/20 El Condado de Scotts Bluff reporta el primer fallecimiento por causa del COVID-19 en el Panhandle
6/9/20 Virtual meeting set for Thursday @ 6pm for Fair Boards, Managers, Volunteers, & 4H reps Four more cases announced; Panhandle total: 189, Active: 99, Recovered: 90
6/8/20 Seven more cases announced, first positive case confirmed in Banner County;
Panhandle total: 185, Active: 97, Recovered: 88
6/6/20 Free testing offered Sunday in Sidney from 8am-Noon; Four more cases announced;
Panhandle total: 178, Active: 90, Recovered: 88
6/6/20 Se ofrecer?n pruebas gratuitas el d?a Domingo en Sidney de las 8am-Medio Dia; Se anuncian cuatro casos m?s;
?ndice Total del Panhandle: 178, Activos: 90, Recuperados: 88
6/5/20 Pruebas gratis disponibles en el Panhandle; Se anuncian siete casos? m?s;
Indice Total en el Panhandle: 174, Activos: 86, Recuperados: 88
6/1/20 Prevent West Nile Virus
5/29/20 Six new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Garden County first case confirmed and a community exposure site announced; Panhandle total positive count 122 with 77 recovered
5/28/20 Nine new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Panhandle total positive count 116 with 75 recovered
5/28/20 Nueve nuevos casos de COVID-19 confirmados; Panhandle cuenta positiva total 116 con 75 recuperados
5/27/20 Two new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Panhandle total positive count 107 with 73 recoveries
5/26/20 Solicitud de reapertura de reuniones, eventos y lugares ahora disponible
Cinco nuevos casos de COVID-19 confirmados; Panhandle cuenta positiva total 105 con 73 recuperaciones
5/24/20 Nine new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Panhandle total positive count 100
5/24/20 Nueve nuevos casos de COVID-19 confirmados; Panhandle recuento positivo total 100
5/21/20 Directed Health Measure for June released today by Governor Ricketts;
Two new cases of COVID-19, Panhandle total case count 89: 25 active, 64 recovered
5/20/20 Know how COVID-19 spreads, the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus,
One new case of COVID-19, Panhandle total case count 87: 24 active, 63 recovered
5/19/20 Free drive-thru COVID-19 testing available in Scottsbluff on Thursday and Friday
5/17/20 Wearing gloves only recommended when cleaning or caring for someone who is sick, handwashing remains the best prevention Four new cases of COVID-19, Panhandle total case count 86: 32 active, 54 recovered
5/15/20 Three new cases of COVID-19 in Scotts Bluff County, Six more cases deemed recovered
5/15/20 Tres casos nuevos de COVID-19 en el Condado de ?Scotts Bluff, ?Seis casos mas se consideran recuperados
5/14/20 Wash your hands often to protect yourself and others from COVID-19; One new case of COVID-19 in Scotts Bluff County
5/13/20 Two new COVID-19 cases, one in Scotts Bluff County and one in Morrill County Panhandle total positive count 78, recovered count 48
5/12/20 One new COVID-19 case and three recoveries in Scotts Bluff County Panhandle total positive count 76, recovered count 47
5/12/20 Un Caso nuevo de COVID-19, ?y tres recuperados, sube el indice total de casos positivos en el Panhandle son 76, y casos recuperados a 47
5/11/20 One new COVID-19 case, Panhandle total positive count 75
5/11/20 Un Caso nuevo de COVID-19, el idice total de casos positivos en el Panhandle son 75 ?
5/11/20 Investigation complete for Dawes County case announced on May 8, Box Butte County case deemed recovered
5/9/20 One new COVID-19 case, Panhandle total positive count 74
5/9/20 Un caso nuevo de COVID-19, Panhandle recuento positivo total 74
5/8/20 Five new COVID-19 cases, first positive case in Dawes County Panhandle total positive count 73
5/8/20 Cinco nuevos casos de COVID-19, primer caso positivo en el condado de Dawes Panhandle recuento positivo total 73
5/7/20 Pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 disponibles en seis sitios en el Panhandle para aquellos con s?ntomas o en riesgo de exponerse.
5/7/20 Five additional COVID-19 cases brings today’s total to 6 cases, Panhandle total positive count 68
5/7/20 One new COVID-19 case, Panhandle total positive count 63
5/7/20 Un nuevo caso COVID-19, Panhandle cuenta positiva total 63
5/6/20 Four new COVID-19 cases, Updated case information for Scotts Bluff County female announced on 05.05.2020
5/5/20 Three new COVID-19 cases, Panhandle total positive count 58
5/5/20 Tres nuevos casos de COVID-19, Panhandle total positivo 58
5/4/20 Two new cases in Morrill County, Panhandle total positive count 55
5/4/20 Dos casos nuevos en el condado de Morrill, la cuenta positiva total en el Panhandle es 55
5/4/20 Please continue important prevention as we move to a new phase
5/4/20 Contin?e con la prevenci?n importante a medida que avanzamos a una nueva fase
5/3/20 Three new cases in Scotts Bluff County, Panhandle total positive count 53
5/3/20 Spanish:Three new cases in Scotts Bluff County, Panhandle total positive count 53
5/2/20 One new case in Cheyenne County, Scotts Bluff County cases announced on May 1 deemed community spread
5/1/20 Two new cases in Scotts Bluff County, Panhandle total positive count to 49
5/1/20 Dos nuevos casos en el Condado de Scotts Bluff, el total de casos positivos en el Panhandle es 49
4/30/20 Dawes County has no confirmed COVID-19 cases
4/30/20 El condado e Dawes no ha confirado casos de COVID-19
4/28/20 Two new cases in Scotts Bluff County, Panhandle total positive count to 47
4/28/20 Dos casos nuevos en el Condado de Scotts Bluff los cuales suben los casos positivos en el Panhandle a 47
4/27/20 One new case in Cheyenne County, Panhandle total positive count to 45
4/27/20 Caso nuevo en el Condado de Cheyenne sube el total de casos positivos en el Panhandle a 40
4/26/20 No confirmed COVID-19 cases in Dawes County
4/26/20 No hay casos confirmados de COVID-19 en el Condado de Dawes
4/25/20 Clarification on Dawes County state map count, one new case in Scotts Bluff County
4/24/20 Three new cases in Scotts Bluff County brings Panhandle total positives to 43
4/24/20 Updated DHM Goes into Effect Across the Panhandle on May
4/24/20 DHM (Medida Directa en Materia de Salud) Entra en Efecto Atravez del Panhandle el 4 de Mayo
4/22/20 New case in Scotts Bluff County brings Panhandle total positives to 40
4/22/20 Caso nuevo en el Condado de Scotts Bluff sube el total de casos positivos en el Panhandle a 40
4/21/20 New case in Cheyenne County brings Panhandle total positives to 39
4/21/20 Caso nuevo en el Condado de Cheyene sube el total de casos positios en ele Panhandle a 39
4/19/20 Four new cases in Scotts Bluff County brings Panhandle total positives to 38
4/19/20 Cuatro casos nuevos en el Condado de Scotts Bluff suben el total en el Panhandle a 38 positivos
4/17/20 New case in Cheyenne County brings Panhandle total positives to 34
4/17/20 Caso nuevo en el Condado de Cheyene sube el total de casos positios en ele Panhandle a 34
4/16/20 New case in Scotts Bluff County brings Panhandle total positives to 33
4/16/20 Nuevo caso en el Condado de Scotts Bluff sube el total de casos positivos en el Panhandle a 33
4/14/20 First positive for COVID-19 in Morrill County, and new cases in Scotts Bluff and Cheyenne County bring Panhandle total positives to 32
4/14/20 Primer caso positive de COVID-19 en el Condado de Morrill, y neevos casos en los Condados de Scotts Bluff y Cheyenne suven el total de casos positivos en el Panhanlde a 32
4/14/20 One positive COVID-19 case from recent National Guard testing, remaining 98 samples collected were negative
4/14/20 Un caso positivo de COVID-19 resulto durante las pruebas que hicieron La Guardia Nacional
4/14/20 Investigation details released to the public for the Cheyenne County case announced this past weekend, no community exposure locations identified
4/14/20 Detalles de la investigacion dadas al publico acerca del caso del Condado de Cheyenne que fue anunciado este pasado fin de semana, no se identificaron lugares communitarios de propagaci?n
4/12/20 Unified Command confirms a female in her 80s is the latest Scotts Bluff County case, bringing Panhandle total count to 27
4/12/20 El Comando Unificado confirma que una dama en sus 80’s es el caso m?s reciente en el Condado de Scotts Bluff, subiendo el total del conteo a 27
4/11/20 First positive for COVID-19 in Box Butte County and two new cases in Scotts Bluff County bring Panhandle total positives to 24
4/11/20 El primer caso positivo de COVID-19 en el Condado de Box Butte y dos casos nuevos en el Condado de Scotts Bluff traen el total en el Panhandle a 24
4/9/20 Governor Ricketts expands statewide Directed Health Measure
4/9/20 El Gobernador Ricketts amplia la Medida de Salud Dirigida a nivel estatal
4/9/20 National Guard to Conduct COVID-19 Testing in Scotts Bluff County beginning on Friday, April 10
4/8/20 National Guard to Conduct COVID-19 Testing in Kimball County on Thursday, April 9
4/8/20 La Armada Nacional Conducir? Pruebas del COVID-19 en el Condado de Kimball el dia Jueves, 9 de Abril del 2020
4/8/20 Four New COVID-19 Cases in Scotts Bluff County Bring Panhandle Total Count to 21
4/8/20 Cuatro Casos Nuevos de Covid-19 en el Condado de Scotts Bluff los cuales traen el conteo total en el Panhandle a 21
4/6/20 Investigation Details Released to the Public, Adding Minimal Community Exposure Locations to the List
4/6/20 Avance detallados de La Investigaci?n en Comunicado al P?blico, Se Agrega a la Lista Lugares de propagaci?n/exposici?n M?nima
4/6/20 Updated Guidance to Area Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers
4/6/20 Provee Guia Actualizada para los Empleados Esensiales del Area
4/6/20 2020 National Public Health Week from Panhandle Public Health District Board of Health
4/5/20 Eight additional tests are confirmed positive for COVID-19
4/5/20 Ocho pruebas adicionales se han confirmado como positivas para el COVID-19
4/4/20 No new test results received, updating information on previous cases
4/4/20 No se han recibido resultados nuevos, avance informativo en los casos previos
4/2/20 Current Positive Cases in Kimball County Warrant Concern with Health Officials
4/1/20 Panhandle COVID-19 Unified Command Announces Two More Positive Cases in Kimball County
4/1/20 El Comando Unificado del Panhandle del COVID-19 Anuncia Dos Casos Mas en el Condado de Kimball
3/31/20 Panhandle COVID-19 Unified Command Announces Two More Positive Cases in Scotts Bluff County
3/31/20 El Comando Unificado del Panhandle del COVID-19 Anuncia Dos Casos Mas en el Condado de Scottsbluff
3/31/20 Panhandle schools will be operating in an alternative learning environment for the remainder of the school year
3/30/20 COVID-19 Panhandle Unified Command Announces First Positive in Kimball County
3/30/20 El Comando Unificado del Panhandle del COVID-19 El Primer Caso Positivo en el Condado de Kimball
3/29/20 Panhandle Unified Command Announces First Positive Case in Scotts Bluff County
3/29/20 El comando unificado Panhandle COVID-19 anuncia el primer caso positivo en el condado de Scotts Bluff
3/26/20 Steps to take now as COVID-19 cases are getting closer and closer to the Panhandle
3/19/20 Recommendation to Close Schools till May 1st
3/17/20 Nebraska Events and Gatherings Limited to 10 People or Less
3/15/20 Panhandle School Closure Communication
3/13/20 Change of Plans - Morrill Public Schools bus trip avoided high risk areas
3/12/20 COVID-19 screening
3/11/20 Recent testing for COVID-19 is negative
3/2/2020 NDHHS has confirmed that there are no cases of COVID-19 in the Panhandle
2/27/2020 PPHD continues to monitor the unfolding COVID-19 epidemic
2/20/20 Gordon working to keep streets safer for walking, biking, and active living
2/13/20 Show Your Heart Some Love this Month
2/4/20 Get the Facts on Novel Coronavirus
2/3/20 Take Control of your Health Today! Living Well class to start in Alliance
1/13/20 City of Scottsbluff Proclaim January as Radon Action Month
1/7/20 New Prevent T2 Class Starting Soon in Chadron
1/7/20 City of Gering Proclaim January as Radon Action Month
1/6/20 The Nebraska State Patrol conducted alcohol compliance checks
1/6/20 January is National Radon Action Month
1/2/20 Living Well with Diabetes is Featured on the American Diabetes Association's Support Directory
12/12/19 Alliance High Shool Senior, Joel Baker, receives scholarship from Panhandle Public Health District
11/26/19 Make 2020 Your Year to Quit Tobacco
11/4/19 Tobacco Cessation Week
10/20/19 National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
9/16/19 Governor?s Wellness Award at the Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference & Awards Luncheon
9/9/19 Community Survey Request
9/9/19 Gordon Launches Effort to Encourage Walking, Biking, & Active Living
9/9/19 Out of the Darkness community walks coming up in Alliance, Scottsbluff and Sidney
8/26/19 Practice mosquito bite prevention this fall
7/29/19 Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference & Awards Luncheon Annoucement
7/26/19 Tobacco Compliance Checks June
7/26/19 Panhandle Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus
6/19/19 Tick Bite Prevention
6/10/19 Prevent West Nile Virus
5/16/19 Alliance Launches Effort to Encourage Safer and Increased Access to Walking and Biking
4/30/19 Tobacco Compliance Checks Sping 2019
4/19/19 Dental Day Sheridan County 2019
3/6/19 E-Cigs & Youth: Harming Brain Development with Each Puff
2/21/19 Sipping, Snacking, and Tooth Decay
1/7/2019 Don't let the weather keep you from being active
1/7/19 January is Radon Action Month
10/26/18 Testing for Childhood Lead Poisoning Recommended to Prevent Lifelong Health Problems
9/27/18 Four businesses honored with the Governor?s Wellness Award and a new Leading Light Award highlighted at recent luncheon
9/05/2018 Kimball Committee Working to Make Community More Walking and Biking Friendly
8/31/18 Healthy Lifestyle Support Program Offered Across the Panhandle?
8/28/18 Out of the Darkness community walks coming up in Scottsbluff, Alliance, and Sidney
6/29/18 Smoke-Free Homes are Healthy Homes
6/11/18 Prevent West Nile Virus
6/12/18 Winners Announced for Spring Wellness Challenge - The Great River Road Race
3/20/18 Protect yourself and your family from rabies
3/16/18 Radon Kits Still Available for Panhandle Residents
3/13/18 Classes to help you improve your health starting in Oshkosh
3/5/18 Lifestyle Change Class Starting in Hemingford. Bridngport, Chadron
3/5/18 Early Testing for Colorectal Cancer Saves Lives ? PPHD Offers Free Test Kits
2/15/18 Influenza Illness in the Panhandle
1/30/18 Winners Announced for Council-Sponsored Winter Wellness Challenge It All Adds Up
1/17/18 Local classes help you improve your health.?
1/08/18 2018 is Your Year to Quit Tobacco
1/2/17 January is National Radon Action Month
10/23/17 Dawes County serves as community leader with tobacco-free efforts
9/18/17 Panhandle residents have lost over 8,900 pounds through local lifestyle change program

8/11/17 St. Louis Encephalitis Virus Found in Mosquito Trap Site
7/17/17 Panhandle mosquitoes tests positive for West Nile Virus
6/9/17 Age is just a number! You're never too young or too old to be your healthiest you!
6/9/17 Prevent West Nile Viruss
6/5/17 Dental Days News Release
4/4/17 Early Testing for Colorectal Cancer Saves Lives ? PPHD Offers Free Test Kit
1/23/17 Influenza activity is rapidly increasing with widespread outbreaks across the state
1/16/17 Maintain Don?t Gain holiday wellness challenge winners announced
1/2/16 Kimball County facilities go tobacco-free January 1, 2017
1/3/16 86 Million American Adults have prediabetes?You could be one of them NDPP starting in Morrill County
1/3/16 Chadron Community Hospital employees see success with lifestyle change program
1/3/16 January is National Radon Action Month
12/5/16 Gordon Memorial Health Services offers additional support for mothers returning to work

11/30/16 Sidney Deadwood Trail Signs Installed to Encourage Path Use

11/28/16 Employees commit to Maintain Don?t Gain this holiday season

10/17/16 Choose health today!? Join the lifestyle change program in Crawford
10/10/16 Rural Hemingford Breast Cancer Survivor Urges You to Get Screened

10/3/16 National Diabetes Prevention Program in Hemingford
9/7/216 St. Louis Encephalitis Virus found in Mosquito Pool
8/30/16 National Diabetes Prevention Program in Chadron
7/27/16 Panhandle Horse Tests Positive for West Nile Virus
7/11/16 Panhandle Public Health District Open House July 21, 3-6 pm
7/11/16 Panhandle mosquitoes tests positive for West Nile Virus
6/27/16 Tips for Choosing the Best Sunscreen and Being Sun Safe
6/27/16 92% Tobacco Check Compliance Rate in the Panhandle is a Positive for Youth
6/14/16 Dental Days 2016
6/1/16 Prevent West Nile Virus
5/27/16 PPHD Awarded National Accreditation Through the Public Health Accreditation Board
5/17/16 Veteran Supply Drive
5/16/16 Happy Birthday to Nebraska Health Departments!
4/18/16 Walk @ Lunch Day ? April 27
3/2/16 National Poison Prevention Week is March 20-26
3/18/16 March 21-25 is Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness Week
3/7/2016 Are we as a community doing enough to help veterans transition to civilian life?
3/7/2016 Free Webinar Series Offered on Healthy Vending
3/5/2016 March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month
1/5/2016 January is National Radon Action Month
11/2/15 Farmers Markets: Fall is the perfect time to enjoy all of the fruits and veggies of the season
9/15/15 Governor's Wellness Award We are very excited to honor five of the 43 recipients of the Governor?s Wellness Award at the Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference and Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, September 22 at the Gering Civic Center. The following organizations from this region are being honored for developing and implementing successful workplace wellness programs:
? Box Butte General Hospital
? Chadron Community Hospital
? Cirrus House
? Educational Service Unit #13
? Western Nebraska Community College
Click here to view the full release issued by Governor Ricketts. Click here for see the Brochure.
9/11/15 Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving Lives
9/4/15 Farmers Markets - September
8/20/15 Active Living Summit in Sidney
8/24/15 Your Playbook for Safety and Wellness Success
8/21/15 St. Louis Encephalitis Virus found in Mosquito Pool
8/14/15 Getting Ready for the New School Year? Talk to Your Kids about Tobacco Use
8/5/15 Fresh Vegetables available at Local Farmers Markets throughout the Panhandle
List of Panhandle Farmers Markets

8/4/15 WNV Prevention Tips

8/3/15 100 Percent of Businesses Pass Recent SYNAR Tobacco Compliance Checks
7/27/15 Panhandle Public Health District NDPP Program Honored for Excellence in Public Health

7/20/15 Panhandle mosquitos tests positive for West Nile Virus
7/20/15 Tips for Choosing the Best Sunscreen and Being Sun Safe
7/10/15 Panhandle Businesses Profit from Local Wellness Council
7/6/15 No Wrong Door Networking & Training comes to communities across Nebraska
6/16/15 Avoid Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases
6/1/15 Prevent West Nile Virus
5/2/15 Local National Diabetes Prevention Program First in State to Achieve Full Recognition
4/20/15 Walk @ Lunch Day ? April 29: Many local businesses already signed up to participate
4/20/15 Dental Days in Sheridan County
4/20/15 Dental Days 2015
4/17/15 Two Businesses Fail Recent Compliance Checks in Kimball and Sidney

January The following Panhandle city/village boards have proclaimed January Radon Action Month in their community: Potter, Harrison, Hemingford, Gering, Chadron, Oshkosh, Crawford and Rushville.? Click here for a sample release.
11/17/14 International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day recognized November 22
11/17/14 Great American Smokeout November 20, 2014
11/17/14 92 Percent of Sheridan County Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
11/10/14 100 Percent of Box Butte County Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
10/24/14 Local Public Health and Hospitals Prepare for Ebola
10/20/14 National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 19-25
9/30/14 100 Percent of Box Butte County Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
9/25/14 Four Panhandle businesses were honored by the Governor and Chief Medical Officer for sowing the seeds for wellness at the recent Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference in Gering. Bayard Public Schools (top left), City of Chadron (top right), Northwest Community Action Partnership(bottom left), and Sidney Regional Medical Center (bottom right)

9/18/14 Enterovirus D-68: Public health urges healthy habits
9/15/14 Life Matters: Working together to raise suicide awareness - Out of Darkness Walk
9/2/14 Cheyenne County Complaince Checks
8/11/14 Getting Ready for the New School Year?? Talk to Your Kids about Tobacco Use
8/4/14 Breastfeeding-friendly worksites benefit new mothers, offer high return on investment for employers
7/28/14 County fairs are fun times: Avoid dangers with insect repellent and hand sanitizers provided by PPHD
7/14/14 Panhandle Public Health District featured in report to the White House and Congress

7/1/14 West Nile Virus is a concern in the Panhandle:? Residents urged to practice prevention tips
6/24/14 Employee wellness making great strides at Chadron Community Hospital
6/21/14 West Nile Virus Prevention and Surviellance
6/16/14 Dental Day
4/14/14 E-cigarettes now illegal for minors in Nebraska, hours of sale for alcohol could be increased
4/2/14 PPHD Proclaims April as Child Abuse Prevention Month
3/17/14 Many Supports Offered Locally for Eating Healthy
3/10/14 Toxic Effects: Ingestion of Cigarettes and Nicotine by Children
2/13/14 Colon Cancer Screening Encouraged for Men and Women Older than 50
2/13/14 Lifestyle change program is seeing great success in Alliance
1/13/14 January marks the 50th anniversary of the first Surgeon General?s report on smoking
1/13/14 Area Employees Committed to Maintain Not Gain Over the Holidays
1/6/13 January is National Radon Action Month

12/30/13 Every year on January 1, Panhandle residents make resolutions
11/11/13 Step Up for the Great American Smokeout on November 21
10/7/013 Four Panhandle businesses were honored for growing the seeds for wellness

9/23/13 September is Preparedness Month
9/6/13 Artist walked out of darkness, ready to share hope, profits with community
9/3/13 A dead bird from the Box Butte County has tested positive for West Nile Virus
9/3/13 In the last three weeks, the Panhandle Public Health District has noted five confirmed cases of Whooping Cough, also known as pertussis, in the area.
8/26/13 100 Percent of Morrill County Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
8/26/13 Three Sidney Businesses Fail Recent Compliance Checks
8/12/13 First human case of West Nile Virus for Panhandle Public Health District has been reported
8/5/13 92 Percent of Alliance Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
8/5/13 Four Chadron Businesses Fail Recent Compliance Checks
7/29/13 I was 1 in 100 and Helped Save a Life

7/22/13 County fairs are fun times: Avoid dangers with insect repellent and hand sanitizers provided by PPHD
7/15/13 Rabies News Release
7/15/13 Area sun safety program targets pools to protect area youngsters and families
7/1/13 Panhandle mosquitoes tests positive for West Nile Virus
6/28/13 Have a Safe and Healthy Fourth of July
6/18/13 West Nile Virus Prevention
6/6/13 Dental Days a Success
5/23/13 Local Employee Wellness Program Highlighted at Statewide Conference
5/23/13 Panhandle Co-op Recent Winner of a TrekDesk Walking Workstation
4/39/13 2013 Dental Days
4/17/13 Preventing child abuse and neglect is everyone's responsibility
4/12/13 National Walk @ Lunch Day April 24, 2013

3/4/13 Colon Cancer Awareness
3/4/13 Students Help Raise Awareness of the Health Risks of Radon
2/11/13 Smoking in Movies
1/10/13 Annual Report 2012
1/10/12 Hay Springs City Board Proclaims January as Radon Action Month
12/28/12 Rushville City Board Proclaims January as Radon Action Month
12/21/12 Influenza Illness in the Panhandle
7/30/12 Breastfeeding-friendly worksites benefit new mothers, offer high return on investment for employers
7/19/12 Evidence based program recommended by the CDC proven to reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes by 58% available in the Panhandle this fall.

7/9/12 Panhandle mosquito tests positive for West Nile Virus
6/25/12 Sun Safety News Release
6/15/12 Despite little rainfall mosquitoes still around
5/3/12 Mother?s Day is a Time to Honor Moms Who Have Quit Smoking: And to Encourage Those Who Are Thinking About Quitting
4/2/12 PPHD?s board of directors proclaim April 2012 as Child Abuse Prevention month - Proclamation
3/20/12 March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month
3/19/12 Supportive Wellness Laws Webinar
3/5/12 Students Help Raise Awareness of the Health Risks of Radon
2/13/12 February 19-25 is Through with Chew Week
1/27/12 Healthy Families American in the Panhandle
1/2/11 Radon Action Month

11/14/11 Great American Smokeout
10/24/11 Pledge your home and car smoke free - it's what works.
10/11/11 Three Panhandle businesses were honored by the governor last week for high levels of participation, leadership support and behavior change in their individual agency. Photos of each recipient with Governor Dave Heineman and State Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joann Schaefer are available at http://panhandlewwc.businesscatalyst.com/awards-luncheon.
9/2/11 Panhandle mosquitoes test positive for West Nile Virus
9/2/11 Be Prepared

8/1/11 World Breastfeeding Week August 1-7
7/18/11 Fairs adopt smoke free polocies
7/11/11 Continued rain makes for an increase in the mosquito populations

7/11/11 Local employers invited to join wellness council, reap tangible rewards
6/3/11 Rain brings standing water and mosquitoes
4/4/11 Dental Day 2011
3/8/11 Just Drive Campaign
2/28/11 March is National Colorectal Cancer Month

2/21/11 Nonprofit leadership training offered in Alliance
2/8/11 TB Update
1/3/10 Radon Action Month 2011
12/27/10 New Year's Resolutions
11/08/10 National Survivors of Suicide Day will hosted be in Alliance, Saturday, November 20.
11/1/10 Lead Poisoning
10/25/10 Governor's Excellence in Wellness Award
10/18/10 Red Ribbon Week October 25-29
09/27/10 Flu Vaccine Clinics
09/20/10 Out of Darkness Walk

08/24/10 WNV positive bird in the Panhandle first in state
08/03/10 WNV-positive mosquitoes discovered in Panhandle
07/26/10 Breast feeding-friendly worksites benefit new mothers, offer high return on investment for employers

07/26/10 County fairs are fun times: Avoid dangers with insect repellent and hand sanitizer
07/19/10 Businesses may realize 3-to-1 cost savings through worksite wellness
07/19/10 Mold Recovery
08/10 They tested the new repellent clip on devices? Read it to find out if they work!! -Consumer Reports Magazine
07/14/10 Flood Disaster Recovery
07/12/10 Pool Cool
07/07/10 New Menu and Vending Machines Labeling Requirements
06/30/10 Have a Safe and Happy Fourth of July
06/29/10 Mai Horseshoe Tourney

Callen Zurn, Lori, Lennox and Kayli Mai take part in a balloon release at the Brock Mai Memorial Horseshoe Tournament Saturday in Alliance. Mai was a victim of suicide in December 2009 near Alliance.
06/15/10 Dental Days 2010
Dr. Vincent Rothe of UNMC College of Dentistry (standing at left) was one of the surgeons having procedures at Box Butte General Hospital during the nearly Panhandle wide Dental Days effort designed to provide dental work for children ages 4-18 who don?t have dental insurance. Also present were Anesthetist Chuck Frisch and David Luedke, as well as other assistants. Dr. Ben Lashley and Dr. Daniel Woodburn of Maple Park Dental Associates in North Platte also helped with oral surgeries at BBGH.

D.N. Taylor, JR., D.D.S. is shown above working one of his patients prior to the Dental Days event designed to provide dental work for children ages 4-18 who don?t have dental insurance. It was Dr. Taylor who helped start Dental Days in the Panhandle of Nebraska, along with the enthusiastic support of Dr. David Brown of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry. Dr. Taylor is the first to say it takes a legion of helpers, volunteers and professionals to make Dental Days the success it is each year.
Monica Holthus of Lisco, NE, sits with her sons Riley, 4; (at left) and Colton, 7 (at right), as they deliberate which color and pattern of hair netting was best for Riley. Showing the examples on hand is Jeanette Sartain, RN, Surgery Coordinator at Box Butte General Hospital (BBGH). Monica was having a ?twofer? on Friday, the first day of the nearly Panhandle wide Dental Days effort designed to provide dental work for children ages 4-18 who don?t have dental insurance. Riley had surgery done at BBGH, and Colton was schedule for dental work at the Alliance clinic of D.N. Taylor, Jr., D.D.S.
06/08/10 Nonprofit Leadership Training
05/03/10 We Could be the Healthiest Nation in One Generation! By Dr. Joann Schaefer, Nebraska?s Chief Medical Officer
04/14/10 H1N1 Vaccination Update
04/05/10 Dental Day 2010
03/29/10 Creating a Culture of Wellness ?For Our Children, For Ourselves? By Dr. Joann Schaefer, Nebraska's Chief Medical Officer
03/15/10 Basketball tourney offers free entry to area teams
03/01/10 Businesses may realize 3-to-1 cost savings through worksite wellness
02/15/10 Radon Poster Contest Results
02/09/10 Suicide prevention and survivors task force meets to plan course of action
01/11/10 Potter-Dix and Leyton vaccination clinics rescheduled
01/08/10 Radon invades the home when temps outside most frigid
3/24/2025 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
3/19/2025 Keep our roads safe by removing distractions
3/3/2025 Protect Your Indoor Air Quality: Radon Kits Available to Panhandle Residents
2/28/25 Driven to Inspire
2/26/25 Early Detection Saves Lives: Two Stories, One Powerful Message
2/24/25 Measles Outbreak Highlights Need for Immunization and Awareness in Nebraska Panhandle
2/21/2025 Healthy sleep habits for a good night's sleep
2/13/2025 Influenza A cases are on the rise in the Panhandle
1/21/2025 Nebraska Panhandle needs increased access to driver's ed
01/17/2025 Cold Weather Safety: Prepare Now for the Coming Chill
01/16/2025 Saving Lives One Check at a Time: Melissa's Story Spurs Blood Pressure Awareness for Moms-to-Be
12/12/2024 Keep your family, friends, and home safe from radon
11/22/2024 Staying financially well this holiday season
10/31/2024 Free Car Seats for Qualifying Families: Let’s ensure every Panhandle child rides safe
10/28/2024 Pertussis cases are on the rise in Nebraska and the Panhandle
10/10/2024 The Great American Smokeout
10/02/2024 Bright Futures Begin Lead-Free, October 20-26 is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
9/20/2024 Join the Conversation: Panhandle Unites for Suicide Prevention and Support This September
09/10/2024 Practice mosquito bite prevention this fall
9/09/2024 Nebraska Panhandle person’s death is being investigated due to possible rabies infection
9/03/2024 PPHD highlights area athletes who steer clear of tobacco and vaping
8/26/2024 Driven to Inspire
8/20/2024 Garden County Unites for Hope Walks Here
8/21/2024 Suicide Prevention Walk Flyer
8/15/2024 Join the Conversation: Panhandle Unites for Suicide Prevention and Support This September
8/13/2024 Mosquito Surveillance Helps to Combat West Nile Virus
8/02/2024 Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference slated for September 19, 2024, at the Gering Civic Center
7/03/2024 Panhandle mosquitoes test positive for West Nile virus
7/02/2024 The start of school is just around the corner! Be ready with these important tips
6/25/2024 Tick Bites and Alpha-gal Syndrome
6/20/2024 Critical Information for Panhandle Residents
6/19/2024 Panhandle Public Health District encourages firework safety this 4 th of July
6/05/2024 Stay Safe This Summer: Prevent Mosquito and Tick Bites
6/04/2024 HPV vaccine shows 65% reduction in cervical cancer
5/23/2024 June is Alzheimer's and Brain Health Awareness Month, Learn More Today
5/19/2024 Nebraska Tobacco Quitline Offering Additional Free Quit Medication
4/30/2024 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
4/26/2024 The Nebraska Panhandle needs increased access to Driver’s Ed
4/17/2024 PPHD receives funding from Housing and Urban Development for increasing lead hazard control
4/15/2024 COVID booster recommendation update for people aged 65 and older
4/05/2024 May is Stroke Prevention Month, Learn the Signs Today
4/04/2024 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
4/01/2024 PPHD encourages everyone to be aware of their MMR vaccine status especially if traveling
3/20/2024 Walk at Lunch Day – Wednesday, April 24 th
3/18/2024 PPHD Healthy Families home visitation program receives reaccreditation
3/13/2024 Free dental care May 31 and June 1 in Gordon and Sidney for children ages 3-21
3/08/2024 March Is Colorectal Cancer Awareness & Prevention Month
2/21/2024 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
2/16/2024 March is National Nutrition Month, Start Healthy Habits With Nutritious Choices
2/15/2024 February is National Children’s Dental Health Month
2/09/2024 Panhandle Public Health District awarded grant to address brain health in the Panhandle
1/29/2024 Air Quality and Your Health, Breathe Easier
1/19/2024 February is Heart Month, Wear Red on February 2, 2024
1/12/2024 City of Oshkosh Promotes Radon Awareness during January Radon Action Month
1/08/2024 Alliance community invited to share ideas for active living on January 23 @ BBGH
1/04/2024 Pediatric Influenza Death Reported to Panhandle Public Health District by DHHS
1/02/2024 Join Healthy for Life in 2024 & Get the Tools and Support You Need to Get and Stay Healthy
1/02/2024 Keep your family, friends, and home safe from radon in 2024
5/23/2022 La vigilancia de aguas residuales muestra un aumento del? virus COVID en el Panhandle, los ni?os de 5 a 1 a?os ahora pueden recibir un refuerzo COVID
3/31/2022 Second booster dose recommended
3/31/2022 Ahora se recomienda la segunda dosis de refuerzo de COVID
3/22/2022 Panhandle Public Health District’s 2021 annual report now available online at pphd.org
3/9/2022 El 100% de los establecimientos no vendi? Tabaco a Menores
3/7/2022 In recent alcohol compliance checks, 100% of establishments did not sell alcohol to minors
3/7/2022 100% of Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
3/2/2022 Free COVID tests widely available around the area
3/2/2022 Pruebas gratuitas de COVID ampliamente disponibles en el area
2/14/2022 A free viewing of SILO, a feature film about grain entrapment
2/9/22 Panhandle COVID cases continue to decline
2/9/22 Los casos de COVID en el Panhandle contin?an disminuyendo
2/2/22 Watch the Panhandle COVID Dashboard at www.pphd.org for current COVID trends in the area
2/2/22 Mire el Panel COVID de Panhandle en www.pphd.org para conocer las tendencias actuales de COVID en el ?rea
1/26/22 Free At-Home COVID testing will soon be widely available in the area
1/26/22 Las pruebas gratuitas de COVID en el hogar pronto estar?n ampliamente disponibles en el ?rea
1/19/22 Panhandle COVID cases rapidly rising
1/19/22 Los casos de COVID en el Panhandle aumentan r?pidamente
1/12/22 Panhandle COVID cases have increased 93% in the past week
1/12/22 Los casos de COVID en el Panhandle han aumentado un 93% en la ?ltima semana
1/10/22 February is heart month, so let’s show our heart some love
1/5/22 Panhandle COVID cases increasing
1/5/22 Aumento de casos de COVID en el Panhandle
12/22/21 9 of 10 Nebraskans hospitalized with COVID since the end of October have been unvaccinated
12/20/21 Lead poisoning is 100% preventable. Protect your family from lead poisoning today.
12/16/21 Smoke-free housing is key to protect renters from second-hand smoke exposures and fire hazards
12/10/21 A healthier you in 2022
12/6/2021 Bright green bikes will soon be around Alliance and available for use at no charge
12/1/2021 Omicron variant emphasizes the importance of vaccination and boosters
12/1/2021 La variante Omicron enfatiza la importancia de la vacunaci?n y las inyecciones de refuerzo
11/10/2021 COVID testing and vaccine keys to safer holiday celebrations
11/2/2021 Keep active this fall and winter to help ward off the blues
10/26/2021 Gering woman receives Leading Light Award at recent Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference
10/18/2021 Booster update, additional COVID testing access
10/18/2021 Actualizaci?n de la inyecci?n de refuerzo, acceso adicional a las pruebas de COVID
10/18/2021 Join us for the Great American Smokeout, November 18, 2021.
10/11/2021 COVID cases and hospitalizations continue to increase in the Panhandle
10/11/2021 Los casos de COVID y las hospitalizaciones contin?an aumentando en el Panhandle
10/4/2021 "Let's fight together, moving forward together, and not lose one more death to COVID. You are worth it," Mitchell resident Sylvia Flores Magdaleno.
9/20/2021 Panhandle COVID dashboard continues to be updated, state dashboard will be reinstated starting today
9/15/21 As we near flu season, businesses and employers are encouraged to be ready
9/13/21 Scotts Bluff County reaches 40% of the population COVID vaccinated!
9/13/21 ?El condado de Scotts Bluff llega al 40% de la poblaci?n vacunada contra COVID!
9/8/21 Dr. Lawler provides COVID update, dispels several perpetuating myths on COVID & kids
9/7/21 Listen to Dr. James Lawler’s presentation at https://tinyurl.com/fbxedj9w.
9/7/21 Escuche la presentaci?n del Dr. James Lawler en https://tinyurl.com/fbxedj9w.
8/31/21 Practice mosquito bite prevention this fall
8/26/21 The 12th Annual Alliance Suicide Prevention Community Walk will be held on Saturday, September 11
8/23/21 Talking openly about suicide can save a life
8/20/21 Panhandle Horse Tests Positive for West Nile Virus
8/18/21 Human West Nile Virus Case Reported
7/26/21 Gordon Memorial Health Services’ providers offer tips to making second COVID shot more tolerable
7/8/21 100% of Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
6/28/21 Celebrate summer events safely, get COVID vaccinated to be ready for the start of school in August
6/28/21 In recent alcohol compliance checks 100% of establishments did not sell alcohol to minors.
6/21/21 Fight the Bite This Summer
6/11/21 In recent alcohol compliance checks 100% of establishments did not sell alcohol to minors.
6/11/21 95% of Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
5/24/21 Nebraska infection control expert equates a COVID vaccinated person to wearing a fireproof suit
5/10/21 Area physician and business leader affirm their strong stance on getting the COVID vaccine
5/10/21 El m?dico del ?rea y el l?der empresarial afirman su firme postura sobre recibir la vacuna COVID
4/26/21 Panhandle COVID risk dial updated based on the latest science and vaccination rates
4/22/21 Seventeen Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
4/21/21 Walk @ Lunch Day ? Wednesday, April 28th
4/19/21 Make a plan, get your shot
4/19/21 Haga un plan, obtenga su oportunidad
4/14/21 Twenty-Four Establishments Did Not Sell Tobacco to Minors
4/14/21 In recent alcohol compliance checks 95% of establishments did not sell alcohol to minors.
4/13/21 Nebraska to Pause Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
4/13/21 Nebraska suspender? la vacuna COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson
4/5/21 Be ready for spring and summer activities by getting your COVID shot, self-scheduling is available
4/2/21 B117 COVID variant, a more contagious and severe COVID strain, has been found in the Panhandle
4/2/21 Se ha encontrado en el Panhandle la variante B117 COVID, una cepa de COVID m?s contagiosa y severa.
3/29/21 Anyone 18 and older can now get a COVID vaccine
3/29/21 Cualquier persona de 18 a?os o m?s ahora puede recibir una vacuna COVID
3/23/21 Radon Tests Still Available for Panhandle Residents
3/22/21 Get your COVID vaccine in preparation for spring and summer activities
3/22/21 Obtenga su vacuna COVID en preparaci?n para las actividades de primavera y verano
3/15/21 Oshkosh art educator and community catalyst cares for her community by getting COVID vaccinated
3/15/21 Oshkosh arte educador y catalizador comunidad cuida de su comunidad por conseguir COVID vacunado
3/9/21 Lead Renovator Certification Courses Being Offered in Panhandle
3/8/21 CDC issues interim public health recommendations for fully vaccinated people
3/5/21Scottsbluff retiree sees benefit of COVID vaccine
3/5/21 Jubilada de Scottsbluff ve los beneficios de la vacuna COVID
3/1/21 Longtime Chadron resident and sports reporter Con Marshall happy to receive his COVID shot
2/22/21 Panhandle continues to align with state vaccine phasing and calendar estimations
2/15/21 Monoclonal Antibody Treatment may help COVID symptoms improve sooner and reduce hospitalizations
2/15/21 El tratamiento con anticuerpos monoclonales puede ayudar a que los s?ntomas de COVID mejoren antes y reduzcan las hospitalizaciones
2/10/21 Tres ubicaciones adicionales para recibir la vacuna COVID anunciadas hoy, los residentes del Panhandle a?n se les anima a registrarse a trav?s del sistema estatal en vaccinate.ne.gov ?
2/8/21 Effective immediately: Panhandle vaccine registration system transitioning to state system
2/8/21 Con efecto inmediato: transici?n del sistema de registro de vacunas del Panhandle al sistema estatal
1/21/21 COVID vaccines administered has been added to the Panhandle COVID dashboard
1/21/21 Las vacunas COVID administradas se han a?adido al tablero de mandos Panhandle COVID
1/18/21 COVID vaccine allocation to increase for the Panhandle beginning next week
1/18/21 La asignaci?n de vacunas COVID aumentar? para el Panhandle a partir de la pr?xima semana
1/14/21 Anyone 65+ or persons with medical conditions can now register for the COVID vaccine wait list
1/11/21 Former Hemingford educator feels blessed to receive COVID vaccine locally
1/11/21 La ex educadora de Hemingford se siente bendecida de recibir la vacuna COVID localmente
1/7/21 Ask a question. Save a life. Inspire hope. Register for an upcoming QPR training today
1/6/21 City of Gering Proclaim January as Radon Action Month
1/4/21 Panhandle vaccine reminder: Anyone 75 and older and interested, encouraged to call or register online; Ivermectin not recommended for use to prevent or treat COVID
1/4/21 January is National Radon Action Month
12/31/20 La vacuna COVID estar? disponible para los residentes de Panhandle mayores de 75 a?os; reg?strese hoy para recibir una notificaci?n cuando est? disponible
12/28/20 COVID Vaccine Science & Facts
12/28/20 Datos y ciencia de la vacuna COVID
12/21/20 Mental Health, COVID, & the Holidays ?
12/21/20 Salud mental, COVID y d?as festivos
12/17/20 Stay informed on important vaccine updates, regularly updated Panhandle COVID vaccine FAQ can be found at www.pphd.org
12/14/20 Two COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 97; Panhandle Vaccine Timeline
12/14/20 Se informaron dos muertes relacionadas con COVID en el Panhandle, Total de muertes en el Panhandle 97 Cronolog?a de la vacuna en el Panhandle
12/10/20 Thirteen COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 95
12/10/20 Se informaron trece muertes relacionadas con COVID en Panhandle, total de muertes en el Panhandle 95
12/10/20 When life throws a pandemic, learn to play the ukulele and ice skate
12/1/20 Seventeen COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 67
12/1/20 Se informaron diecisiete muertes relacionadas con COVID en el Panhandle, total de muertes en Panhandle 67
11/30/20 Safety precautions for winter sports and activities
11/30/20 Precauciones de seguridad para deportes y actividades de invierno
11/27/20 No single intervention is perfect at preventing disease spread
11/27/20 Ninguna intervenci?n por s? sola es perfecta para prevenir la propagaci?n de enfermedades
11/23/20 Safe opportunities to connect during the Thanksgiving holiday
11/23/20 Oportunidades seguras para conectarse durante las vacaciones de Acci?n de Gracias
11/20/20 Five COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 47
11/20/20 Cinco muertes relacionadas con COVID en el Panhandle reportadas, Total de muertes en el Panhandle 47
11/17/20 Seven COVID-related deaths in the Panhandle reported, Panhandle total deaths 31
11/17/20 Siete muertes relacionadas con COVID en el Panhandle reportadas, Total de muertes en el Panhandle 31
11/10/20 Four Scotts Bluff County COVID-related deaths announced, Panhandle total deaths 21
11/5/20 Panhandle total: 3,114; Active: 1,326; Recovered: 1,772; Deaths: 16
11/5/20 ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 3,114; Activos: 1,326; Recuperados: 1,772; Muertes: 16
11/2/20 Stay safe at the voting polls on Election Day; Panhandle total: 2,780; Active: 1,241; Recovered: 1,586; Deaths: 16
10/27/20 Two additional COVID-related death in Dawes County brings Panhandle total to 14
10/26/20 El total de casos se duplic? en los ?ltimos 22 d?as, la primera muerte en el condado de Dawes eleva el total del Panhandle a 12; ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 1,957; Activos: 709; Recuperados: 1,236; Muertes: 12
10/22/20 Scotts Bluff County Detention Center provides a COVID status update
10/22/20 El centro de detenci?n del condado de Scotts Bluff proporciona una actualizaci?n del estado de COVID
10/20/20 The Heirloom Market, held in Bayard on Saturday, October 10, listed as community exposure site
10/15/20 Panhandle total: 1236, Active: 274, Recovered: 951, Deaths: 11
10/15/20 ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 1236, Activos: 274, Recuperados: 951, Muertes: 11
9/28/20 Keeping kids in school is the goal; Panhandle total: 869, Active: 80, Recovered: 779, Deaths: 9
9/16/20 Eighth COVID-related death reported in the Panhandle, first confirmed COVID case in Grant County
9/8/20 Panhandle Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus
9/3/20 2020 Out of the Darkness Community Walk for Suicide Awareness
8/28/20 Reminder: Panhandle Unified Command will be updating their communications; Panhandle total: 623, Active: 95, Recovered: 522, Deaths: 6
8/28/20 Chadron Verizon News Release
8/27/20 Panhandle total: 614, Active: 100, Recovered: 508, Deaths: 6
8/27/20 ?ndice total del Panhandle: 614, Activos: 100, Recuperados: 508, Fallecidos: 6
8/20/20 Panhandle total: 533, Active: 76, Recovered: 451, Deaths: 6
8/13/20 Updated quarantine guidance; Panhandle total: 481, Active: 56, Recovered: 419, Deaths: 6
8/12/20 Masks do not cause self-contamination; Panhandle total: 479, Active: 56, Recovered: 417, Deaths: 6
8/11/20 Supporting your child during COVID-19; Panhandle total: 469, Active: 50, Recovered: 413, Deaths: 6
8/6/20 Sheridan County Jail responds to presumed COVID-19 positive case
8/3/20 Be sure kindness is included on your back-to-school checklist! Panhandle total: 439, Active: 55, Recovered: 378, Deaths: 6
7/29/20 You can catch COVID-19 no matter how sunny or hot the weather is Panhandle total: 419, Active: 63, Recovered: 350, Deaths: 6
7/24/20 Panhandle total: 411, Active: 79, Recovered: 326, Deaths: 6
7/24/20 ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 411, Activos: 79, Recuperados: 326, Muertes: 6
7/22/20 Be sure to submit event safety plans! Panhandle total: 397, Active: 72, Recovered: 318, Deaths: 5
7/20/20 Sea un sabio buscador de informaci?n durante la pandemia COVID-19; ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 387, Activos: 74, Recuperados: 308, Muertes: 5
?ndice total del Panhandle: 369, Activos: 69, Recuperados: 295, Muertes: 5
7/15/20 Panhandle total: 365, Active: 66, Recovered: 294, Deaths: 5
7/15/20 ?ndice total del Panhandle: 365, Activos: 66, Recuperados: 294, Muertes: 5
7/14/20 Panhandle total: 363, Active: 66, Recovered: 292, Deaths: 5
7/14/20 ?ndice total del Panhandle: 363, Activos: 66, Recuperados: 292, Muertes: 5
7/8/20 Six more cases announced; Panhandle total: 344, Active: 99, Recovered: 241, Deaths: 4
6/30/20 Gordon-Rushville Public Schools
6/30/20 Se le notific? a las Escuelas P?blicas de Gordon-Rushville
6/26/20 Twelve more cases announced; Panhandle total: 279, Active: 106, Recovered: 170, Deaths: 3
6/23/20 Nine more cases announced; Panhandle total: 252, Active: 94, Recovered: 155, Deaths: 3
6/11/20 Scotts Bluff County reports second COVID-19 related death in the Panhandle
6/11/20 Seven more cases announced; Panhandle total: 200, Active: 95, Recovered: 104, Deaths: 1
6/11/20 Se anuncian siete casos mas:Panhandle total: 200, Activos: 95, Recuperados: 104, Fallecidos: 1
6/10/20 Four more cases announced; Panhandle total: 193, Active: 94, Recovered: 98, Deaths: 1
6/10/20 Se anuncian cuatro casos mas; Panhandle total: 193, Activos: 94, Recuperados: 98, Fallecidos: 1
6/10/20 Scotts Bluff County reports the first COVID-19 related death in the Panhandle
6/10/20 El Condado de Scotts Bluff reporta el primer fallecimiento por causa del COVID-19 en el Panhandle
6/9/20 Virtual meeting set for Thursday @ 6pm for Fair Boards, Managers, Volunteers, & 4H reps Four more cases announced; Panhandle total: 189, Active: 99, Recovered: 90
6/8/20 Seven more cases announced, first positive case confirmed in Banner County; Panhandle total: 185, Active: 97, Recovered: 88
6/6/20 Free testing offered Sunday in Sidney from 8am-Noon; Four more cases announced; Panhandle total: 178, Active: 90, Recovered: 88
6/6/20 Se ofrecer?n pruebas gratuitas el d?a Domingo en Sidney de las 8am-Medio Dia; Se anuncian cuatro casos m?s; ?ndice Total del Panhandle: 178, Activos: 90, Recuperados: 88
6/5/20 Pruebas gratis disponibles en el Panhandle; Se anuncian siete casos? m?s; Indice Total en el Panhandle: 174, Activos: 86, Recuperados: 88
6/1/20 Prevent West Nile Virus
5/29/20 Six new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Garden County first case confirmed and a community exposure site announced; Panhandle total positive count 122 with 77 recovered
5/28/20 Nine new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Panhandle total positive count 116 with 75 recovered
5/28/20 Nueve nuevos casos de COVID-19 confirmados; Panhandle cuenta positiva total 116 con 75 recuperados
5/27/20 Two new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Panhandle total positive count 107 with 73 recoveries
5/26/20 Solicitud de reapertura de reuniones, eventos y lugares ahora disponible
Cinco nuevos casos de COVID-19 confirmados; Panhandle cuenta positiva total 105 con 73 recuperaciones
5/24/20 Nine new COVID-19 cases confirmed; Panhandle total positive count 100
5/24/20 Nueve nuevos casos de COVID-19 confirmados; Panhandle recuento positivo total 100
5/21/20 Directed Health Measure for June released today by Governor Ricketts; Two new cases of COVID-19, Panhandle total case count 89: 25 active, 64 recovered
5/20/20 Know how COVID-19 spreads, the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus, One new case of COVID-19, Panhandle total case count 87: 24 active, 63 recovered
5/19/20 Free drive-thru COVID-19 testing available in Scottsbluff on Thursday and Friday
5/17/20 Wearing gloves only recommended when cleaning or caring for someone who is sick, handwashing remains the best prevention Four new cases of COVID-19, Panhandle total case count 86: 32 active, 54 recovered
5/15/20 Three new cases of COVID-19 in Scotts Bluff County, Six more cases deemed recovered
5/15/20 Tres casos nuevos de COVID-19 en el Condado de ?Scotts Bluff, ?Seis casos mas se consideran recuperados
5/14/20 Wash your hands often to protect yourself and others from COVID-19; One new case of COVID-19 in Scotts Bluff County
5/13/20 Two new COVID-19 cases, one in Scotts Bluff County and one in Morrill County Panhandle total positive count 78, recovered count 48
5/12/20 One new COVID-19 case and three recoveries in Scotts Bluff County Panhandle total positive count 76, recovered count 47
5/12/20 Un Caso nuevo de COVID-19, ?y tres recuperados, sube el indice total de casos positivos en el Panhandle son 76, y casos recuperados a 47
5/11/20 One new COVID-19 case, Panhandle total positive count 75
5/11/20 Un Caso nuevo de COVID-19, el idice total de casos positivos en el Panhandle son 75 ?
5/11/20 Investigation complete for Dawes County case announced on May 8, Box Butte County case deemed recovered
5/9/20 One new COVID-19 case, Panhandle total positive count 74
5/9/20 Un caso nuevo de COVID-19, Panhandle recuento positivo total 74
5/8/20 Five new COVID-19 cases, first positive case in Dawes County Panhandle total positive count 73
5/8/20 Cinco nuevos casos de COVID-19, primer caso positivo en el condado de Dawes Panhandle recuento positivo total 73
5/7/20 Pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 disponibles en seis sitios en el Panhandle para aquellos con s?ntomas o en riesgo de exponerse.
5/7/20 Five additional COVID-19 cases brings today’s total to 6 cases, Panhandle total positive count 68
5/7/20 One new COVID-19 case, Panhandle total positive count 63
5/7/20 Un nuevo caso COVID-19, Panhandle cuenta positiva total 63
5/6/20 Four new COVID-19 cases, Updated case information for Scotts Bluff County female announced on 05.05.2020
5/5/20 Three new COVID-19 cases, Panhandle total positive count 58
5/5/20 Tres nuevos casos de COVID-19, Panhandle total positivo 58
5/4/20 Two new cases in Morrill County, Panhandle total positive count 55
5/4/20 Dos casos nuevos en el condado de Morrill, la cuenta positiva total en el Panhandle es 55
5/4/20 Please continue important prevention as we move to a new phase
5/4/20 Contin?e con la prevenci?n importante a medida que avanzamos a una nueva fase
5/3/20 Three new cases in Scotts Bluff County, Panhandle total positive count 53
5/3/20 Spanish:Three new cases in Scotts Bluff County, Panhandle total positive count 53
5/2/20 One new case in Cheyenne County, Scotts Bluff County cases announced on May 1 deemed community spread
5/1/20 Two new cases in Scotts Bluff County, Panhandle total positive count to 49
5/1/20 Dos nuevos casos en el Condado de Scotts Bluff, el total de casos positivos en el Panhandle es 49
4/30/20 Dawes County has no confirmed COVID-19 cases
4/30/20 El condado e Dawes no ha confirado casos de COVID-19
4/28/20 Two new cases in Scotts Bluff County, Panhandle total positive count to 47
4/28/20 Dos casos nuevos en el Condado de Scotts Bluff los cuales suben los casos positivos en el Panhandle a 47
4/27/20 One new case in Cheyenne County, Panhandle total positive count to 45
4/27/20 Caso nuevo en el Condado de Cheyenne sube el total de casos positivos en el Panhandle a 40
4/26/20 No confirmed COVID-19 cases in Dawes County
4/26/20 No hay casos confirmados de COVID-19 en el Condado de Dawes
4/25/20 Clarification on Dawes County state map count, one new case in Scotts Bluff County
4/24/20 Three new cases in Scotts Bluff County brings Panhandle total positives to 43
4/24/20 Updated DHM Goes into Effect Across the Panhandle on May
4/24/20 DHM (Medida Directa en Materia de Salud) Entra en Efecto Atravez del Panhandle el 4 de Mayo
4/22/20 New case in Scotts Bluff County brings Panhandle total positives to 40
4/22/20 Caso nuevo en el Condado de Scotts Bluff sube el total de casos positivos en el Panhandle a 40
4/21/20 New case in Cheyenne County brings Panhandle total positives to 39
4/21/20 Caso nuevo en el Condado de Cheyene sube el total de casos positios en ele Panhandle a 39
4/19/20 Four new cases in Scotts Bluff County brings Panhandle total positives to 38
4/19/20 Cuatro casos nuevos en el Condado de Scotts Bluff suben el total en el Panhandle a 38 positivos
4/17/20 New case in Cheyenne County brings Panhandle total positives to 34
4/17/20 Caso nuevo en el Condado de Cheyene sube el total de casos positios en ele Panhandle a 34
4/16/20 New case in Scotts Bluff County brings Panhandle total positives to 33
4/16/20 Nuevo caso en el Condado de Scotts Bluff sube el total de casos positivos en el Panhandle a 33
4/14/20 First positive for COVID-19 in Morrill County, and new cases in Scotts Bluff and Cheyenne County bring Panhandle total positives to 32
4/14/20 Primer caso positive de COVID-19 en el Condado de Morrill, y neevos casos en los Condados de Scotts Bluff y Cheyenne suven el total de casos positivos en el Panhanlde a 32
4/14/20 One positive COVID-19 case from recent National Guard testing, remaining 98 samples collected were negative
4/14/20 Un caso positivo de COVID-19 resulto durante las pruebas que hicieron La Guardia Nacional
4/14/20 Investigation details released to the public for the Cheyenne County case announced this past weekend, no community exposure locations identified
4/14/20 Detalles de la investigacion dadas al publico acerca del caso del Condado de Cheyenne que fue anunciado este pasado fin de semana, no se identificaron lugares communitarios de propagaci?n
4/12/20 Unified Command confirms a female in her 80s is the latest Scotts Bluff County case, bringing Panhandle total count to 27
4/12/20 El Comando Unificado confirma que una dama en sus 80’s es el caso m?s reciente en el Condado de Scotts Bluff, subiendo el total del conteo a 27
4/11/20 First positive for COVID-19 in Box Butte County and two new cases in Scotts Bluff County bring Panhandle total positives to 24
4/11/20 El primer caso positivo de COVID-19 en el Condado de Box Butte y dos casos nuevos en el Condado de Scotts Bluff traen el total en el Panhandle a 24
4/9/20 Governor Ricketts expands statewide Directed Health Measure
4/9/20 El Gobernador Ricketts amplia la Medida de Salud Dirigida a nivel estatal
4/9/20 National Guard to Conduct COVID-19 Testing in Scotts Bluff County beginning on Friday, April 10
4/8/20 National Guard to Conduct COVID-19 Testing in Kimball County on Thursday, April 9
4/8/20 La Armada Nacional Conducir? Pruebas del COVID-19 en el Condado de Kimball el dia Jueves, 9 de Abril del 2020
4/8/20 Four New COVID-19 Cases in Scotts Bluff County Bring Panhandle Total Count to 21
4/8/20 Cuatro Casos Nuevos de Covid-19 en el Condado de Scotts Bluff los cuales traen el conteo total en el Panhandle a 21
4/6/20 Investigation Details Released to the Public, Adding Minimal Community Exposure Locations to the List
4/6/20 Avance detallados de La Investigaci?n en Comunicado al P?blico, Se Agrega a la Lista Lugares de propagaci?n/exposici?n M?nima
4/6/20 Updated Guidance to Area Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers
4/6/20 Provee Guia Actualizada para los Empleados Esensiales del Area
4/6/20 2020 National Public Health Week from Panhandle Public Health District Board of Health
4/5/20 Eight additional tests are confirmed positive for COVID-19
4/5/20 Ocho pruebas adicionales se han confirmado como positivas para el COVID-19
4/4/20 No new test results received, updating information on previous cases
4/4/20 No se han recibido resultados nuevos, avance informativo en los casos previos
4/2/20 Current Positive Cases in Kimball County Warrant Concern with Health Officials
4/1/20 Panhandle COVID-19 Unified Command Announces Two More Positive Cases in Kimball County
4/1/20 El Comando Unificado del Panhandle del COVID-19 Anuncia Dos Casos Mas en el Condado de Kimball
3/31/20 Panhandle COVID-19 Unified Command Announces Two More Positive Cases in Scotts Bluff County
3/31/20 El Comando Unificado del Panhandle del COVID-19 Anuncia Dos Casos Mas en el Condado de Scottsbluff
3/31/20 Panhandle schools will be operating in an alternative learning environment for the remainder of the school year
3/30/20 COVID-19 Panhandle Unified Command Announces First Positive in Kimball County
3/30/20 El Comando Unificado del Panhandle del COVID-19 El Primer Caso Positivo en el Condado de Kimball
3/29/20 Panhandle Unified Command Announces First Positive Case in Scotts Bluff County
3/29/20 El comando unificado Panhandle COVID-19 anuncia el primer caso positivo en el condado de Scotts Bluff
3/26/20 Steps to take now as COVID-19 cases are getting closer and closer to the Panhandle
3/19/20 Recommendation to Close Schools till May 1st
3/17/20 Nebraska Events and Gatherings Limited to 10 People or Less
3/15/20 Panhandle School Closure Communication
3/13/20 Change of Plans - Morrill Public Schools bus trip avoided high risk areas
3/12/20 COVID-19 screening
3/11/20 Recent testing for COVID-19 is negative
3/2/2020 NDHHS has confirmed that there are no cases of COVID-19 in the Panhandle
2/27/2020 PPHD continues to monitor the unfolding COVID-19 epidemic
2/20/20 Gordon working to keep streets safer for walking, biking, and active living
2/13/20 Show Your Heart Some Love this Month
2/4/20 Get the Facts on Novel Coronavirus
2/3/20 Take Control of your Health Today! Living Well class to start in Alliance
1/13/20 City of Scottsbluff Proclaim January as Radon Action Month
1/7/20 New Prevent T2 Class Starting Soon in Chadron
1/7/20 City of Gering Proclaim January as Radon Action Month
1/6/20 The Nebraska State Patrol conducted alcohol compliance checks
1/6/20 January is National Radon Action Month
1/2/20 Living Well with Diabetes is Featured on the American Diabetes Association's Support Directory
12/12/19 Alliance High Shool Senior, Joel Baker, receives scholarship from Panhandle Public Health District
11/26/19 Make 2020 Your Year to Quit Tobacco
11/4/19 Tobacco Cessation Week
10/20/19 National Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
9/16/19 Governor?s Wellness Award at the Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference & Awards Luncheon
9/9/19 Community Survey Request
9/9/19 Gordon Launches Effort to Encourage Walking, Biking, & Active Living
9/9/19 Out of the Darkness community walks coming up in Alliance, Scottsbluff and Sidney
8/26/19 Practice mosquito bite prevention this fall
7/29/19 Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference & Awards Luncheon Annoucement
7/26/19 Tobacco Compliance Checks June
7/26/19 Panhandle Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus
6/19/19 Tick Bite Prevention
6/10/19 Prevent West Nile Virus
5/16/19 Alliance Launches Effort to Encourage Safer and Increased Access to Walking and Biking
4/30/19 Tobacco Compliance Checks Sping 2019
4/19/19 Dental Day Sheridan County 2019
3/6/19 E-Cigs & Youth: Harming Brain Development with Each Puff
2/21/19 Sipping, Snacking, and Tooth Decay
1/7/2019 Don't let the weather keep you from being active
1/7/19 January is Radon Action Month
10/26/18 Testing for Childhood Lead Poisoning Recommended to Prevent Lifelong Health Problems
9/27/18 Four businesses honored with the Governor?s Wellness Award and a new Leading Light Award highlighted at recent luncheon
9/05/2018 Kimball Committee Working to Make Community More Walking and Biking Friendly
8/31/18 Healthy Lifestyle Support Program Offered Across the Panhandle?
8/28/18 Out of the Darkness community walks coming up in Scottsbluff, Alliance, and Sidney
6/29/18 Smoke-Free Homes are Healthy Homes
6/11/18 Prevent West Nile Virus
6/12/18 Winners Announced for Spring Wellness Challenge - The Great River Road Race
3/20/18 Protect yourself and your family from rabies
3/16/18 Radon Kits Still Available for Panhandle Residents
3/13/18 Classes to help you improve your health starting in Oshkosh
3/5/18 Lifestyle Change Class Starting in Hemingford. Bridngport, Chadron
3/5/18 Early Testing for Colorectal Cancer Saves Lives ? PPHD Offers Free Test Kits
2/15/18 Influenza Illness in the Panhandle
1/30/18 Winners Announced for Council-Sponsored Winter Wellness Challenge It All Adds Up
1/17/18 Local classes help you improve your health.?
1/08/18 2018 is Your Year to Quit Tobacco
1/2/17 January is National Radon Action Month
10/23/17 Dawes County serves as community leader with tobacco-free efforts
9/18/17 Panhandle residents have lost over 8,900 pounds through local lifestyle change program
8/11/17 St. Louis Encephalitis Virus Found in Mosquito Trap Site
7/17/17 Panhandle mosquitoes tests positive for West Nile Virus
6/9/17 Age is just a number! You're never too young or too old to be your healthiest you!
6/9/17 Prevent West Nile Viruss
6/5/17 Dental Days News Release
4/4/17 Early Testing for Colorectal Cancer Saves Lives ? PPHD Offers Free Test Kit
1/23/17 Influenza activity is rapidly increasing with widespread outbreaks across the state
1/16/17 Maintain Don?t Gain holiday wellness challenge winners announced
1/2/16 Kimball County facilities go tobacco-free January 1, 2017
1/3/16 86 Million American Adults have prediabetes?You could be one of them NDPP starting in Morrill County
1/3/16 Chadron Community Hospital employees see success with lifestyle change program
1/3/16 January is National Radon Action Month
12/5/16 Gordon Memorial Health Services offers additional support for mothers returning to work
11/30/16 Sidney Deadwood Trail Signs Installed to Encourage Path Use
11/28/16 Employees commit to Maintain Don?t Gain this holiday season
10/17/16 Choose health today!? Join the lifestyle change program in Crawford
10/10/16 Rural Hemingford Breast Cancer Survivor Urges You to Get Screened
10/3/16 National Diabetes Prevention Program in Hemingford
9/7/216 St. Louis Encephalitis Virus found in Mosquito Pool
8/30/16 National Diabetes Prevention Program in Chadron
7/27/16 Panhandle Horse Tests Positive for West Nile Virus
7/11/16 Panhandle Public Health District Open House July 21, 3-6 pm
7/11/16 Panhandle mosquitoes tests positive for West Nile Virus
6/27/16 Tips for Choosing the Best Sunscreen and Being Sun Safe
6/27/16 92% Tobacco Check Compliance Rate in the Panhandle is a Positive for Youth
6/14/16 Dental Days 2016
6/1/16 Prevent West Nile Virus
5/27/16 PPHD Awarded National Accreditation Through the Public Health Accreditation Board
5/17/16 Veteran Supply Drive
5/16/16 Happy Birthday to Nebraska Health Departments!
4/18/16 Walk @ Lunch Day ? April 27
3/2/16 National Poison Prevention Week is March 20-26
3/18/16 March 21-25 is Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness Week
3/7/2016 Are we as a community doing enough to help veterans transition to civilian life?
3/7/2016 Free Webinar Series Offered on Healthy Vending
3/5/2016 March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month
1/5/2016 January is National Radon Action Month
11/2/15 Farmers Markets: Fall is the perfect time to enjoy all of the fruits and veggies of the season
9/15/15 Governor's Wellness Award We are very excited to honor five of the 43 recipients of the Governor?s Wellness Award at the Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference and Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, September 22 at the Gering Civic Center. The following organizations from this region are being honored for developing and implementing successful workplace wellness programs:
? Box Butte General Hospital
? Chadron Community Hospital
? Cirrus House
? Educational Service Unit #13
? Western Nebraska Community College
9/11/15 Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving Lives
9/4/15 Farmers Markets - September
8/20/15 Active Living Summit in Sidney
8/24/15 Your Playbook for Safety and Wellness Success
8/21/15 St. Louis Encephalitis Virus found in Mosquito Pool
8/14/15 Getting Ready for the New School Year? Talk to Your Kids about Tobacco Use
8/5/15 Fresh Vegetables available at Local Farmers Markets throughout the Panhandle
List of Panhandle Farmers Markets
8/4/15 WNV Prevention Tips
8/3/15 100 Percent of Businesses Pass Recent SYNAR Tobacco Compliance Checks
7/27/15 Panhandle Public Health District NDPP Program Honored for Excellence in Public Health
7/20/15 Panhandle mosquitos tests positive for West Nile Virus
7/20/15 Tips for Choosing the Best Sunscreen and Being Sun Safe
7/10/15 Panhandle Businesses Profit from Local Wellness Council
7/6/15 No Wrong Door Networking & Training comes to communities across Nebraska
6/16/15 Avoid Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases
6/1/15 Prevent West Nile Virus
5/2/15 Local National Diabetes Prevention Program First in State to Achieve Full Recognition
4/20/15 Walk @ Lunch Day ? April 29: Many local businesses already signed up to participate
4/20/15 Dental Days in Sheridan County
4/20/15 Dental Days 2015
4/17/15 Two Businesses Fail Recent Compliance Checks in Kimball and Sidney
January The following Panhandle city/village boards have proclaimed January Radon Action Month in their community: Potter, Harrison, Hemingford, Gering, Chadron, Oshkosh, Crawford and Rushville.? Click here for a sample release.
11/17/14 International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day recognized November 22
11/17/14 Great American Smokeout November 20, 2014
11/17/14 92 Percent of Sheridan County Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
11/10/14 100 Percent of Box Butte County Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
10/24/14 Local Public Health and Hospitals Prepare for Ebola
10/20/14 National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 19-25
9/30/14 100 Percent of Box Butte County Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
9/25/14 Four Panhandle businesses were honored by the Governor and Chief Medical Officer for sowing the seeds for wellness at the recent Panhandle Safety & Wellness Conference in Gering. Bayard Public Schools (top left), City of Chadron (top right), Northwest Community Action Partnership(bottom left), and Sidney Regional Medical Center (bottom right)
9/18/14 Enterovirus D-68: Public health urges healthy habits
9/15/14 Life Matters: Working together to raise suicide awareness - Out of Darkness Walk
9/2/14 Cheyenne County Complaince Checks
8/11/14 Getting Ready for the New School Year?? Talk to Your Kids about Tobacco Use
8/4/14 Breastfeeding-friendly worksites benefit new mothers, offer high return on investment for employers
7/28/14 County fairs are fun times: Avoid dangers with insect repellent and hand sanitizers provided by PPHD
7/14/14 Panhandle Public Health District featured in report to the White House and Congress
7/1/14 West Nile Virus is a concern in the Panhandle:? Residents urged to practice prevention tips
6/24/14 Employee wellness making great strides at Chadron Community Hospital
6/21/14 West Nile Virus Prevention and Surviellance
6/16/14 Dental Day
4/14/14 E-cigarettes now illegal for minors in Nebraska, hours of sale for alcohol could be increased
4/2/14 PPHD Proclaims April as Child Abuse Prevention Month
3/17/14 Many Supports Offered Locally for Eating Healthy
3/10/14 Toxic Effects: Ingestion of Cigarettes and Nicotine by Children
2/13/14 Colon Cancer Screening Encouraged for Men and Women Older than 50
2/13/14 Lifestyle change program is seeing great success in Alliance
1/13/14 January marks the 50th anniversary of the first Surgeon General?s report on smoking
1/13/14 Area Employees Committed to Maintain Not Gain Over the Holidays
1/6/13 January is National Radon Action Month
12/30/13 Every year on January 1, Panhandle residents make resolutions
11/11/13 Step Up for the Great American Smokeout on November 21
10/7/013 Four Panhandle businesses were honored for growing the seeds for wellness
9/23/13 September is Preparedness Month
9/6/13 Artist walked out of darkness, ready to share hope, profits with community
9/3/13 A dead bird from the Box Butte County has tested positive for West Nile Virus
9/3/13 In the last three weeks, the Panhandle Public Health District has noted five confirmed cases of Whooping Cough, also known as pertussis, in the area.
8/26/13 100 Percent of Morrill County Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
8/26/13 Three Sidney Businesses Fail Recent Compliance Checks
8/12/13 First human case of West Nile Virus for Panhandle Public Health District has been reported
8/5/13 92 Percent of Alliance Businesses Pass Recent Compliance Checks
8/5/13 Four Chadron Businesses Fail Recent Compliance Checks
7/29/13 I was 1 in 100 and Helped Save a Life
7/22/13 County fairs are fun times: Avoid dangers with insect repellent and hand sanitizers provided by PPHD
7/15/13 Rabies News Release
7/15/13 Area sun safety program targets pools to protect area youngsters and families
7/1/13 Panhandle mosquitoes tests positive for West Nile Virus
6/28/13 Have a Safe and Healthy Fourth of July
6/18/13 West Nile Virus Prevention
6/6/13 Dental Days a Success
5/23/13 Local Employee Wellness Program Highlighted at Statewide Conference
5/23/13 Panhandle Co-op Recent Winner of a TrekDesk Walking Workstation
4/39/13 2013 Dental Days
4/17/13 Preventing child abuse and neglect is everyone's responsibility
4/12/13 National Walk @ Lunch Day April 24, 2013
3/4/13 Colon Cancer Awareness
3/4/13 Students Help Raise Awareness of the Health Risks of Radon
2/11/13 Smoking in Movies
1/10/13 Annual Report 2012
1/10/12 Hay Springs City Board Proclaims January as Radon Action Month
12/28/12 Rushville City Board Proclaims January as Radon Action Month
12/21/12 Influenza Illness in the Panhandle
7/30/12 Breastfeeding-friendly worksites benefit new mothers, offer high return on investment for employers
7/19/12 Evidence based program recommended by the CDC proven to reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes by 58% available in the Panhandle this fall.
7/9/12 Panhandle mosquito tests positive for West Nile Virus
6/25/12 Sun Safety News Release
6/15/12 Despite little rainfall mosquitoes still around
5/3/12 Mother?s Day is a Time to Honor Moms Who Have Quit Smoking: And to Encourage Those Who Are Thinking About Quitting
4/2/12 PPHD?s board of directors proclaim April 2012 as Child Abuse Prevention month - Proclamation
3/20/12 March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month
3/19/12 Supportive Wellness Laws Webinar
3/5/12 Students Help Raise Awareness of the Health Risks of Radon
2/13/12 February 19-25 is Through with Chew Week
1/27/12 Healthy Families American in the Panhandle
1/2/11 Radon Action Month
11/14/11 Great American Smokeout
10/24/11 Pledge your home and car smoke free - it's what works.
10/11/11 Three Panhandle businesses were honored by the governor last week for high levels of participation, leadership support and behavior change in their individual agency. Photos of each recipient with Governor Dave Heineman and State Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joann Schaefer are available at http://panhandlewwc.businesscatalyst.com/awards-luncheon.
9/2/11 Panhandle mosquitoes test positive for West Nile Virus
9/2/11 Be Prepared
8/1/11 World Breastfeeding Week August 1-7
7/18/11 Fairs adopt smoke free polocies
7/11/11 Continued rain makes for an increase in the mosquito populations
7/11/11 Local employers invited to join wellness council, reap tangible rewards
6/3/11 Rain brings standing water and mosquitoes
4/4/11 Dental Day 2011
3/8/11 Just Drive Campaign
2/28/11 March is National Colorectal Cancer Month
2/21/11 Nonprofit leadership training offered in Alliance
2/8/11 TB Update
1/3/10 Radon Action Month 2011
12/27/10 New Year's Resolutions
11/08/10 National Survivors of Suicide Day will hosted be in Alliance, Saturday, November 20.
11/1/10 Lead Poisoning
10/25/10 Governor's Excellence in Wellness Award
10/18/10 Red Ribbon Week October 25-29
09/27/10 Flu Vaccine Clinics
09/20/10 Out of Darkness Walk
08/24/10 WNV positive bird in the Panhandle first in state
08/03/10 WNV-positive mosquitoes discovered in Panhandle
07/26/10 Breast feeding-friendly worksites benefit new mothers, offer high return on investment for employers
07/26/10 County fairs are fun times: Avoid dangers with insect repellent and hand sanitizer
07/19/10 Businesses may realize 3-to-1 cost savings through worksite wellness
07/19/10 Mold Recovery
08/10 They tested the new repellent clip on devices? Read it to find out if they work!! -Consumer Reports Magazine
07/14/10 Flood Disaster Recovery
07/12/10 Pool Cool
07/07/10 New Menu and Vending Machines Labeling Requirements
06/30/10 Have a Safe and Happy Fourth of July
06/29/10 Mai Horseshoe Tourney
Callen Zurn, Lori, Lennox and Kayli Mai take part in a balloon release at the Brock Mai Memorial Horseshoe Tournament Saturday in Alliance. Mai was a victim of suicide in December 2009 near Alliance.
06/15/10 Dental Days 2010
Dr. Vincent Rothe of UNMC College of Dentistry (standing at left) was one of the surgeons having procedures at Box Butte General Hospital during the nearly Panhandle wide Dental Days effort designed to provide dental work for children ages 4-18 who don?t have dental insurance. Also present were Anesthetist Chuck Frisch and David Luedke, as well as other assistants. Dr. Ben Lashley and Dr. Daniel Woodburn of Maple Park Dental Associates in North Platte also helped with oral surgeries at BBGH.
D.N. Taylor, JR., D.D.S. is shown above working one of his patients prior to the Dental Days event designed to provide dental work for children ages 4-18 who don?t have dental insurance. It was Dr. Taylor who helped start Dental Days in the Panhandle of Nebraska, along with the enthusiastic support of Dr. David Brown of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry. Dr. Taylor is the first to say it takes a legion of helpers, volunteers and professionals to make Dental Days the success it is each year.
Monica Holthus of Lisco, NE, sits with her sons Riley, 4; (at left) and Colton, 7 (at right), as they deliberate which color and pattern of hair netting was best for Riley. Showing the examples on hand is Jeanette Sartain, RN, Surgery Coordinator at Box Butte General Hospital (BBGH). Monica was having a ?twofer? on Friday, the first day of the nearly Panhandle wide Dental Days effort designed to provide dental work for children ages 4-18 who don?t have dental insurance. Riley had surgery done at BBGH, and Colton was schedule for dental work at the Alliance clinic of D.N. Taylor, Jr., D.D.S.
06/08/10 Nonprofit Leadership Training
05/03/10 We Could be the Healthiest Nation in One Generation! By Dr. Joann Schaefer, Nebraska?s Chief Medical Officer
04/14/10 H1N1 Vaccination Update
04/05/10 Dental Day 2010
03/29/10 Creating a Culture of Wellness ?For Our Children, For Ourselves? By Dr. Joann Schaefer, Nebraska's Chief Medical Officer
03/15/10 Basketball tourney offers free entry to area teams
03/01/10 Businesses may realize 3-to-1 cost savings through worksite wellness
02/15/10 Radon Poster Contest Results
02/09/10 Suicide prevention and survivors task force meets to plan course of action
01/11/10 Potter-Dix and Leyton vaccination clinics rescheduled
01/08/10 Radon invades the home when temps outside most frigid