Are you ready to join the movement to reduce secondhand smoke exposure and youth initiation?
The Panhandle has seen a constant decline in tobacco use and an increase in awareness, policy development, and compliance checks. While we are headed in the right direction we still have a long way to go. Tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable deaths.
What can you do?
Promote tobacco free policies where you live, learn, work, and play.
Schools: Enhance tobacco free policies and promote policy thought signage.
Business: Adopt a comprehensive tobacco free campus policy for the health of your employees and customers/clients.
Hospitals: Be the leader in your community. Adopt a comprehensive tobacco free campus policy.
Multiunit Housing: Protect your tenants and save money pass a tobacco free campus policy.
City Council: Pass a tobacco free policy to include recreational facilities. Show the community you care about their health.
County Officials: As couny officials you can take a step to save money and protect your community by passing a tobacco free policy
Youth (individuals, 4-H, youth groups): Get involved in the movement today. Learn about big tobacco and their motives through No Limits.Promote tobacco free policies in your community. Go to city council meetings - ask for tobacco free parks. Go to your fair board, talk to them about the benefits of a tobacco free fair.
Protect yourself and your children make your home and car a tobacco free zone.
Some interesting info regarding Nebraska
- Nebraska's current per pack tax on cigarettes is 64 cents. Which is over a dollar lower than national average of $1.75
- Nebraska has the 42nd highest cigarette tax in the country. Only Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wyoming have lower cigarette taxes than Nebraska
- Nebraska's last cigarette tax increase was 2002
Smoke-free policies are legal to implement and enforce. We are here to assist in policy development and implantation. We will also provide signage at no cost to promote your new policy.